“Tattoos can help you embrace your body rather than hide from it” – in conversation with body positivity influencer Sara Puhto aka @saggysara

Sara Puhto aka @saggysara

Sara Puhto, known as @saggysara on Instagram, is a body positivity influencer who shares real, raw and refreshingly honest content. Social media bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, making us question ourselves and our bodies – but Sara is on a mission to change that, one post at a time.

Beyond her empowering message, Sara also proudly shows off her bold and beautiful tattoos. It’s common to hear people say they’ll wait to get a tattoo until they look a certain way – a mindset that, unfortunately, persists. But Sara challenges this idea, reminding us that all bodies are worthy of tattoos and that life is too short to put off getting that tattoo!

We sat down with Sara to talk about her content, her tattoos and how the tattoo community has evolved in recent years.

What inspired you to start creating body positivity content?

I used to be a fitness content creator back in 2016 and realised that I was posing, flexing and sucking in all my photos. I was sharing my workouts and “what I eat in a day” videos and realised that I was comparing myself to other content creators who were also posting similar content. I’d compare my body to theirs and assume that they looked flexed all the time, even when they were relaxing their bodies. That’s when I decided to share my relaxed body next to my posed, flexed and sucked in body to show the “reality” behind my Instagram posts. It felt really rewarding and helpful to not only me, but also to my audience – I haven’t stopped since.

I also had an eating disorder and a problematic disordered relationship with working out and started my journey to healing. I now have a healthy relationship with food and working out and have found a balance that is sustainable for me. Posting my body acceptance and body-neutral content was almost like having a public diary of my healing process and sharing my inner thoughts and feelings while recovering publicly. This, I don’t regret one bit, as it’s so beautiful to know that others have healed and started their healing journeys through the help of my content, which means the world to me. 

Can you tell us about some of your favourite tattoos and their significance to you?

The majority of my tattoos are because “they looked nice and I wanted it”. But I have my cat tattooed on me, he passed away two years ago and he meant so much to me, I’m still not fully over him passing so it’s comforting to have the tattoo of him to remind me that he’s never really gone. I’m quite spiritual and believe that our passed loved ones stay with us. 

@saggysara‘s cat tattoo

I have the words “stay present” and “alive” on my palms, to remind me to be in the moment and to make the most of being alive. I got those tattoos at a really low, rock-bottom moment of my life when I was struggling with depression and trying to gain the courage to leave an abusive relationship. Once I left the abusive relationship and started my healing journey, having those moments of really fixating and looking at my palms helped me refocus my perception of life – always a great reminder! 

@saggysara’s Stay Present tattoo

How have tattoos influenced your body confidence?

I used to be really insecure about my torso. I have a wider torso because I’ve undergone scoliosis surgery. It took me such a long time to feel confident to get my stomach tattooed because I was worried it would draw attention to my wide torso. But ever since I started getting it tattooed, I feel so much more confident in my relaxed body! 

I also just love looking at myself in the mirror now. I’ve wanted to be heavily tattooed ever since I was a young teenager, so I know little me would be obsessed with all the body art which makes me feel happy and confident!

Do you think tattoos can serve as a tool for improving self-esteem? How so?

@saggysara on Instagram

Absolutely! Tattoos can be a powerful way to reclaim your body and express yourself. For many people getting a tattoo can help them embrace parts of themselves they once felt insecure about. It’s like turning your body into a canvas that reflects who you are, and that can be empowering.

Why do you think people feel they need to have a certain body type to get tattoos?

A lot of it comes from outdated beauty standards and the way tattooed bodies are/were portrayed in media. For a long time, most tattoo ads and magazines featured thin, toned bodies, making it seem like tattoos “belong” on a certain type of person. That combined with societal pressure to look a certain way, can make people feel like they need the “perfect” body before getting tattooed. 

Do you feel there’s enough representation of diverse body types in the tattoo community?

@saggysara on Instagram

There’s progress, but there’s still room for improvement. More artists are showcasing tattooed bodies of different sizes, shapes and skin tones, which is great to see. I think social media has helped a lot in normalising tattoos on all kinds of bodies, but mainstream representation, especially in magazines, ads and TV still tends to favour a certain “ideal” look. The reality is, tattoos are for everybody who wants them. Thankfully more inclusive artists and platforms are pushing for diversity, and I think we’re heading in the right direction.

Do you think the tattoo industry is becoming more inclusive? What changes would you like to see?

I’m not a tattoo artist but it’s lovely to see tattoo artists posting more flash and concept pieces on larger bodies on Instagram. I also think the kindness of tattoo artists regarding self-harm scars, stretch marks and other body aspects that might cause someone insecurities is being handled with a lot more compassion and kindness.

From my experience, whenever an artist has seen my old self-harm scars, they have approached it in a way that always makes me feel comfortable, especially when it comes to asking for consent when posting photos of tattoos that have been done on my old self-harm scars. 

I’d like to see a wider acceptance of different tattoo styles beyond what’s traditionally considered “mainstream,” encouraging artists to explore and express their own unique visions without judgement. I feel like a lot of artists are doing this and it’s amazing to see, I just wish the public on social media comment sections weren’t so rude and judgemental. 

Have you noticed any changes in how tattoo culture intersects with body positivity in recent years?

More people are getting tattoos not just for aesthetics but as a way to reclaim their bodies and tell their personal stories. One of the biggest changes is how scars, stretch marks and other “imperfections” are being embraced in tattoo culture. Instead of hiding them, many people are choosing to highlight these features with tattoos. For example with mastectomies, surgeries, or stretch marks, they’ve used tattoos as a way to celebrate their journeys rather than conceal them

Also, more artists are specialising in tattooing on all body types and skin tones, which wasn’t always the case. It’s really refreshing to see a broader representation of people in tattoo media and marketing. 

The body positivity movement has helped shift the mindset from covering up to celebrating. It’s no longer about “fixing” anything, it’s more about embracing who you are, exactly as you are, and using tattoos as a form of self expression.

Do you think there’s a difference between how men and women are perceived when they’re heavily tattooed?

Yes, for sure. Heavily tattooed women tend to be more sexualised than men. Women will often get asked inappropriate questions, for example, “How far does that tattoo go?” or “Are your breasts/nipples/pubic bone tattooed?”. Unnecessary sexual questions asked by strangers (mostly men) that you wouldn’t ask someone normally, especially a stranger. 

Due to older societal gender norms women are judged more heavily for being heavily tattooed. For example, getting comments like, “But you were so pretty before!” or questions about how their tattoos will look when they’re older, things that rarely get said to men.

Have you faced any challenges or criticism as a heavily tattooed woman? How do you handle negativity or trolls on your social media platforms?

I never really get trolls but if I do, I usually just ignore them because people have different opinions. Sometimes I’ll reply with a cheeky comment if they’re rude, but I rarely do that anymore because their opinions of my tattoos don’t matter to me because I love my tattoos. 

How do you want people to feel when they see your content?

@saggysara on Instagram

 I want people to feel seen. Social media has made us compare ourselves to every single person we see online because we only see the highlights of people’s lives on social media. I want to remind them that it’s okay to be human and have flaws and remind them that life isn’t meant to be curated or perfect. 

What advice would you give to someone hesitant to get their first tattoo due to body insecurities?

Every time I’ve gotten a tattoo on a body part that I was insecure about previously, it’s helped me regain confidence. I’d say you’re not alone, so many people feel this way before getting their first tattoo. But one of the beautiful things about tattoos is that they can help you embrace your body rather than hide from it. 

If you’re feeling hesitant, take your time. Many tattoo artists today are incredibly supportive and understand how personal this process can be. A good artist will make you feel comfortable.

Also, try to reframe the way you think about your body. Instead of seeing a tattoo as a way to “fix” something, see it as a way to celebrate yourself. The most important thing is that the tattoo makes you happy. 

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Things&Ink is an online tattoo magazine celebrating female tattoo culture, highlighting some of the most talented women in the industry, and providing a space for their voices to be heard. Stay connected with us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and features! You can view our other blog posts, here.

“You probably know that feeling when things start to fall into place. When your path becomes clearer, and everything you’ve done before makes sense,” interview with tattoo artist Evelina Jurković

From a girly, pink studio in a small town called Banská Bystrica in Slovakia (where you can’t order takeaway after 9pm), tattoo artist Evelina Jurković @eweltattoo creates her delicate fine-line tattoos. Here she tells us all about how she brought the style over to her country, her struggles with an eating disorder, the importance of normalising all bodies in tattooing, how freediving changed her life and her mastectomy project…

When did you first fall in love with tattoos?

I don’t have a specific moment. But you probably know that feeling when things start to fall into place. When your path becomes clearer every day, and everything you’ve done before makes sense.

As a child, I grew up in an environment where there were always drawings spread out, unfinished paintings. My mom is an artist; she taught drawing at a school and often prepared for art competitions or worked on projects for theatre, either in her studio or at our kitchen table late into the night. That influences you as a child. I attended art school for both my secondary and higher education, and when I had the opportunity to try tattooing, I thought that maybe this would be my path – at least for now.

How long have you been tattooing for and how did you start?

Learning to tattoo was like learning anything else – completely terrible! I learned to tattoo mostly on my own, without much outside help. I did attend a tattoo course as it’s mandatory in Slovakia if you want to have your own tattooing business one day. But I learnt a very small percentage of the necessary information. When you leave, you have a certificate, but if you plan to work independently, you quickly realise that you know practically nothing. You can’t learn to tattoo in three days. So, in my opinion, such short courses make absolutely no sense.

Learning to tattoo on artificial skin is one thing, but a much bigger challenge is when you start working on real skin and with real people. It’s extremely stressful because any mistake is irreversible, and you also realise that the person will carry it with them for the rest of their life.

I started by tattooing friends, but when I began working in my own studio, I would often dream about the design I was going to tattoo the next day. I’ve been tattooing for over 10 years now, but I still feel a deep respect for my work.

How did you develop your style to what it is today?

I was the first to start tattooing fine-line in Slovakia. I saw many beautiful tattoos on Pinterest and wanted something similar on my own body, but every studio I went to told me it couldn’t be done or that it would have to be thicker. So I started thinking about how it’s possible. So I bought the thinnest needles available on the market and started experimenting with what could be done.

What’s your studio like? What can people expect when they get tattooed there?

My studio is located in central Slovakia in a town called Banská Bystrica. It’s a historic town with a small population, where there’s just one shopping mall and you can’t order food delivery after 9pm!

In my studio, I place a huge emphasis on my client’s privacy — I work alone with the client, I don’t have multiple tattoo artists or chairs in the space. My studio has quite a girly vibe —light colours, pink decorations, scented candles, large bright spaces with high ceilings, and paintings in golden frames on the walls.

Do you have a tattoo experience that stands out in your mind?

I have several. I remember a lady who had pigment spots on her arms and legs and didn’t want to go on vacations because she felt like everyone was staring at her. After getting them tattooed over, she started wearing dresses and swimsuits.

I often have women with eating disorders who get motivational phrases tattooed. It’s always more personal for me because I’ve been struggling with an eating disorder for many years. That’s also why I started talking about the importance of normalising normal bodies — normalising scars, stretch marks, postpartum bodies, bodies that have had children.

If we didn’t censor certain types of bodies and didn’t favour one “perfect” body type according to the current trend, we would live in a much healthier society. We wouldn’t have 13-year-old girls in therapy for anorexia or mothers who refuse to go to the swimming pool because their bodies changed after childbirth. And we wouldn’t have bullying in schools and workplaces, either.

Now for your own tattoos, tell us about them. Do your they help you feel differently about your body?

No. I got my tattoos at a very young age, which was, of course, a mistake. If I could erase my tattoos, most of them would be gone. But I do love the inscriptions on my arms, which I got as an adult, and they have a meaning for me beyond just the visual.

On my left arm, I have the words “focus” and “move.” On my right arm, I have “no limit.” “Focus” because it’s incredibly important in life to focus on one thing if you want to be successful—not to stray, not to skip, not to doubt it. “Move” because if you’re not happy, you need to move. And “move” because if you don’t stay in motion, you won’t grow as a person. “No limit” is a reference to a film of the same name that led me to a sport that completely changed the direction of my life and mindset. Limits don’t exist — only in our minds.

Can you tell us more about the sport that changed your life?

In the beginning, it was definitely running, specifically long-distance running. Running, after a certain point, becomes more about your mindset because you’re battling not just your body but your mind. However, after years, I needed a break.

In 2017, I discovered freediving, a sport that seemed a bit crazy yet beautiful. I accidentally watched the film No Limit. After that, I found my coach, Martin Ruman, and started working on myself. And I couldn’t have done anything better with my life.

What does freediving make you feel like?

It’s very hard to describe or even talk about, and I think every diver would agree. Freediving gives you space to dive deep into yourself, to learn to trust yourself, to be absolutely present, and focus solely on what you’re doing. No one else exists. Nothing else matters. When you go deeper, you’re completely alone. You can only rely on yourself. You can’t panic. You can’t breathe.

At the same time, you face the question of death, which you cannot avoid. You realise that what you’re doing could kill you if you misjudge your abilities or make a mistake. Before every dive, you evaluate how far you can go today and still be able to return, and you understand that how your dive will turn out depends on your mindset. You also realise that your ego is your greatest enemy in this sport. It can put you in danger and, in the worst case, kill you. It’s an amazing sport — you should try it!

How do you usually work with your clients? Do you mostly do custom work or do you create flash, too?

I create designs with clients together in Photoshop. I think good communication, understanding what the person who will wear it for the rest of their life wants, is absolutely the top priority. The person you’re working with is always the top priority—only then comes your artistic vision.

Can you tell us about your latest mastectomy project? How can clients get involved?

Yes, I’d love to. I believe that if you want to live in a better world, not be surrounded by hate and pain, you have to start with yourself. You don’t have to donate millions to charity, but you can start with small gestures and change people, nature, the world for the better in small ways. People who only complain and do nothing to make humanity or their close surroundings better are losers to me. You can donate clothes to charity, you can teach someone a foreign language for free, or as a tattoo artist, you can change someone’s life by covering a scar with a tattoo for free. If we stop believing that someone will help us when we need it, if we stop believing that good people still exist, and if we stop helping others selflessly, we will find ourselves in a very dark place as humanity.

If you’d like a mastectomy tattoo or scar cover up simply email me with your story – ewelofficial@gmail.com.

You love to travel! Where have you been, and where’s next? Have you got any tattoos from your travels?

Next, my husband and I are planning to visit Dahab. I’d like to stay there for at least a month or two, depending on how time and finances allow. I believe that this place is absolutely extraordinary, and I’ll find at least one answer to the life questions I’m currently struggling with. And of course, like for most freedivers, there’s one small attraction there — the Blue Hole. A 100-meter sinkhole just a few meters from the shore.

Are you planning any guest spots? If so, where and how do we book in?

I love guest spots. I’m currently looking for a studio in Bangkok or elsewhere in Asia, but I’m pretty much open to anything. We’re considering moving away from Slovakia and are looking for a place on Earth where we can say, “it feels like home.” I’ve never felt at home anywhere, and I’ve never known exactly where I want to live or where I belong, what culture or country I’m closest to. So I want to give myself time to find the answer to this question. So if you have a studio and want to meet me, don’t hesitate to write.

Make sure to follow Evelina on Instagram for more tattoos and to book yours.

We’re always talking to amazing tattoo artists, check out our latest interviews.

Don’t wait for your body to change to get that tattoo

So many of us delay getting tattooed because of beauty standards or because certain artists don’t want or understand how to tattoo people living in fat bodies – and that is not acceptable.

There may be a lot of things you don’t think you can’t do in the body you have – like get a tattoo. But we’re here to say you don’t need to change ANYTHING about your body to get tattooed! We chat to tattoo artists and tattoo collectors who also think tattoos are for everybody and every body.

Alyssa, tattoo collector, Ohio, USA (@whatxwhatnot)

“I started getting tattooed when I was around 15 years old. Back then, I never really had a vision of what I wanted. As I got older and spent more time around tattooers, I started collecting tattoos from different artists and tattooers who’ve been tattooing a long time and helped shape the community. Also collecting pieces I thought were fitting to my personality.

“My stomach tattoo is probably my favourite. I was 23 when I started that one. My husband is a tattooer and we talked about how I should get it tattooed and I was always so afraid to do it because my stomach is big, but he assured me it would look amazing. I came to Marah Kelso (@passionpoortaste) with the idea and she jumped on it. This tattoo was the one that started it all for me in my confidence journey. It feels like beauty and armour all in one.”


“I was so happy when you shared my backpiece on the Things & Ink Instagram [see it here]. I love traditional Japanese tattoo/art, and with Japanese tattooing body composition is important to its flow. Being in a fat body with folds and not a perfect smooth back, I wanted to make sure I went to an artist with a good deal of knowledge. Nick Caruso was my guy. He’s a fierce tattooer with over two decades of experience and, from start to finish in the design and the stencil, he has truly helped me feel amazing about this project.

“I think it’s important to seek artists who work with a diverse range of bodies. Be it colour, shape and size. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their process. Set up consults to discuss your tattoo, so the artist has a chance to get an idea of your shape. If you are someone who feels anxious about people touching your body (I am) ground yourself. And if you feel your artist treats you differently or doesn’t seem excited to work with you, move on to the next. I promise you there are thousands of tattooers out there who enjoy tattooing bigger bodies.

Alyssa’s back tattoo

“My tattoos have changed the way I view my body. Tattoo collecting has given me such an appreciation for my body. Each piece has helped me learn to explore and love my body in a different way that doesn’t require me missing out on opportunities. So many of us delay getting tattooed because of beauty standards or because certain artists don’t want or understand how to tattoo people living in fat bodies – and that is not acceptable. I refuse to accept that.

“My advice to someone putting off getting tattooed because of how their body looks is: GET. THE. TATTOO! I promise it will look good as long as you have trust in your artist.”

Alyssa’s back tattoo

Jade Clark, tattoo artist (@clarktattoos)

“The great thing about being tattooed, is how it can change your body physically, but also how you mentally look at your body. Getting tattooed is like wearing a permanent accessory and you can be adorned in work by artists you love, or you can get pieces that are super important and you want to cherish forever.  Either way, the way we look at body art can drastically change how we perceive our bodies and the autonomy we have over them.

Jade Clark

“My tattoos have helped me accept my own body. They make me feel as though my body is mine and I’ve decorated my body how I’d decorate my house. They have helped me look at parts of myself that I’ve felt uncomfortable with in a whole new light and given me a new found level of confidence, which is also shown in my personality, too. 

Tattoo by Jade

“Tattooing is definitely not constricted to a dress size. Tattooing is for all bodies and all people (legal age of course, you must be over 18) but so many people have different reasons for getting tattooed and that should be considered. So many people get tattooed as a form of homage to their bodies, it can be a really beautiful experience to watch people really understand that their body is their own.

“As an artists, there are things about tattooing all bodies – whatever their size. I give advice about what aesthetically flows with the client’s body the best; I could do the same design for two completely different body types and one might not look as good as another, which is why it’s so important for the art, the tattooing and the body to be considered as one thing.

Tattoo by Jade

“As an artist, I don’t think there’s any problem with taking time in finding the right artist, especially if you have body vulnerabilities. At the end of the day, tattooing is not only about the art but also about the experience you have with your artist; it can completely shape the way you see your tattoo entirely. Getting tattooed by someone who understands the body and body insecurities is definitely critical when finding an artist.”

Tattoo by Jade

Kristie, tattoo collector, Nottingham UK (@kristiemb23)

“There’s no special meaning behind my backpiece, but I knew I wanted Holly Ashby (@hollyashbytattoo) to do it. I’ve always loved Holly’s work. When I finally plucked up the courage to go ahead and have my back tattooed, I knew it had to be her. I love her designs and style, I only gave her the brief of ‘something demony/witchy but whatever you think would work’. My only caveat was no full-frontal nudity, we settled on ‘tasteful’ nudity in the end. There also a cover-up of a tattoo I’ve had lasered at the top.

Kristie’s back tattoo

“I’d been planning my back for a few years. As space has dwindled, I knew I needed to put my big girl pants on and decide who/what I wanted to have. I was waiting to lose weight and ‘be the right size’ – whatever that is – but as I got older and more confident in my body, I decided to meet Holly for a consultation and she made me feel so at ease. I knew I had made the right choice and booked a few sessions there and then.

“Pain wise, I managed the outline and felt my soul leave my body, but honestly it isn’t as bad as I had imagined. There are some spicy spots though. We’re now working through shading and colour and I’m using a numbing cream, mainly to make the most of our sessions. Everyone at her studio House of Thieves is so welcoming and lovely, I’m made comfortable as soon as I walk through the door. I have no issues sat there half naked, which was a big worry of mine before I reached out to Holly.

“Every tattoo I have has helped me see my body differently in one way or another. From having my legs tattooed when I was younger and instantly feeling okay about wearing skirts or shorts again. I love showing off my back piece on holiday or choosing different style tops to wear. I’m currently picking a dress to wear to get married in and my options have expanded since feeling so much more confident with showing my back.

Kristie on holiday

Please do not stop yourself from doing anything because of your body! We all deserve to do whatever makes us happy and feel good. My advice would be if you have an artist you are considering, please reach out to them. Get to know them too, as this will make you feel so much more at ease and always speak up if you’re not totally comfortable.”

Shannon Hill (@ginge_and_needles), tattoo artist, Darlington, UK

“I know it’s easy to fall in to that cycle where you hold off doing things that you want because you worry about how it will look to others. It’s very easy to convince yourself that it’s not for you, you’re not good enough and you don’t belong because you don’t fit the impossible standards created by our industry.

“But, I’d like to invite you to think from a different perspective, and this is the only perspective that should matter. Ask yourself this one question: Will having that tattoo bring you joy? If the answer is yes then that is the only permission you need.

Shannon Hill

“When you deprive yourself from getting the tattoo you really want for the sake of not fitting into ‘the box’, all you’re doing is depriving yourself of joy. Depriving yourself of the feeling of enjoying a lovely tattoo on your body. No one else suffers, just you. How is that any fun? Give yourself permission to choose more joy for yourself. Get tattooed and be happy.

Tattoo by Shannon

“You don’t need to change your body to get tattooed. But how sad that this is where we’re at now – this industry has a lot to answer for. If you look back through the history of tattooing, they weren’t about achieving an aesthetic. They were reminders, expressions and celebrations of a person, a memory, their life and their body.

“It’s important to remind ourselves that getting tattooed is more powerful than getting a lot of likes on Instagram or having that perfectly curated look. When we focus too much on that stuff, the celebration, the joy, the confidence, the feeling of being at home in our bodies goes missing. It would be nice to bring that front and centre again.

Tattoo by Shannon

“No two people are the same, so why should the tattooing process be kept the same for every client? Every client has their own unique body shape, skin type and colour. My job is all about working WITH YOU. Exactly as you are. And looking at what’s possible for YOU.

“The experience and the process should always be tailored to fit you. It’s a teamwork dynamic between you and your artist. You should never feel out of the loop or like an inconvenience. If your artist can’t adjust and accommodate you and your body, they’re not worthy of going near it with a needle in the first place.

“My only advice would be to not be afraid to advocate for yourself. Whether it’s moving the stencil, taking a break or getting your body in a more comfortable position, don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself. A good artist will always, do their best to accommodate your needs, work with your body as it is and offer their best, honest advice along the way.

Tattoo by Shannon

“I don’t think I ever felt at home in my body until I got more tattoos, especially more visible ones. Being plus size, I’ve always had a complex relationship with my body. Society tells plus size women that they should feel uncomfortable in their bodies. They should always aim to be smaller and not stand out in any way.

“For a long time I fell into that trap. But the more tattoos I got, the more comfortable I feel standing out and being seen. I’ve always thought this whole ‘love yourself’ thing was pretty impossible to achieve. I don’t think anyone can totally love themselves 100% of the time.

Shannon tattooing

“But all I know is when I look in the mirror now, I see myself. I know her. I feel at home. I think that’s largely because of my tattoos. I see all these beautiful pieces and think “that’s lovely that.” And then I get on with my day. Before tattoos I’d tear myself to shreds and pick myself apart. It’s really hard to be mean to yourself when you’re covered in beautiful work that someone has put a lot of love into.

“Go easy on yourself. This is your one life, don’t deprive yourself of joy. Just go choose yourself a lovely artist and get that tattoo you’ve always wanted, it really is that simple.”

This is your sign to go get that tattoo…

“I look at myself as a canvas”, interview with Beckie Bold

25-year-old digital creator Beckie Bold (@beckiebold) lives in North Wales where she creates inspiring content for her followers. We chatted to Beckie (she/her) to find out more about her tattoo collection and body confidence journey…

What made you want to get tattooed?

I’ve always loved tattoos and thought they were super cool when I was younger. Growing up I realised that I look at tattoos as someone painting their own canvas (their body). I think it’s really unique and brings lots of confidence and is definitely a way to express yourself as a person.

I knew when I was younger that I would definitely be a tatted person.

What was your first tattoo? Can you tell us about the experience?

The last time I got tatted, I got three in one sitting. I got a small love heart with the number 13 in behind my ear, because it’s my favourite number and it seems to follow me around. I got a coffin with flowers around it on my upper arm because I thought it went with the spooky vibe of my sleeve and then I also got some crystals and flowers, again to fit the theme of my sleeve.

The experience was great! I was tatted by Emma-louise Bolton (@emm.dots) in Salford, she’s fabulous. She’s so lovely and chatty and always makes you feel super comfortable! She always gives me the prettiest ink.

Talk us through your tattoo collection – any favourites or meaningful ones?

I have lots of tattoos, probably too many to go into detail about each one. Some of my favourites are my mandala in my ditch, that one hurt super bad I wont lie but it’s absolutely stunning. I love my flowers on my chest too as they make me feel super pretty and confident. Another favourite of mine is my little skeletons with the black rose between them, little skeletons in love!

I have one on my back which is quite meaningful to me as it reminds me of my nana and taid (Welsh for grandad) as they were travellers back in the day, so I got a Gypsy wagon wheel for them.

Do you have any themes?

Yes! My right arm is spooky/space themed and I am totally obsessed. I love it and I can’t wait until its completely finished!

You share body confidence and your mental health, do tattoos help you love your body?

Definitely. They let me express myself in a way that is unique to me. They’re beautiful and I want to show them off, which helps me be confident in myself. When I have low days with my body image, I look at all the ink which helps me push through the body battles a little bit more.

Have they made you see your body differently?

I look at myself as a canvas. I get to fill in my own canvas with everyone I love or makes me happy. It’s such a brilliant way to be create in my opinion.

My tattoos make me want to be proud of the skin I am in.

What’s it like getting tattooed when you have lipoedema?

I think it’s different for everyone with lipoedema. For me personally, my upper arms (where the lipoedema is) have bruised whilst healing, while my lower arms (where I don’t have lipoedema) didn’t bruise at all. My lower leg tattoo didn’t hurt at all which surprised me as I have lipoedema there too.

Do you have any advice for anyone who has lipoedema and wants to get tattooed?

It depends on the person and pain tolerance but be prepared for it to potentially be a little more sore in areas where your lipoedema is! I can’t comment too much on this as everyone’s body will react differently.

Can you tell us about what you share on socials, how it all started?

In 2017/2018 when I started university, I began to use Instagram as a mental health diary to help me through my battles. I never set out to do any of this “influencer” stuff and never thought I would reach 40,000 people, but I somehow did.

Seeing all the different content creators on Instagram has saved me in a way, they’ve inspired me to love me for me and I can now hopefully inspire others to love them for them. It’s an amazing platform when you follow people and connect with people that help you feel happy and good about yourself.

I actively speak about body acceptance, mental health and sometimes chronic health such as lipoedema. I want to help people as much as I can. Even if its just one person that feels better because of something they have seen or read on my page, then I’m doing it right.

How do you want people to feel when they see your corner of the internet?

Safe. Included. Inspired. Beautiful. Good enough. Worthy. All the good things! I want them to start treating themselves how they would treat their loved ones. It’s great to love others, but lets love ourselves too shall we?

Follow Beckie for more beautiful photos and tattoos.

Read more tattoo stories including tattoos to mark transformative moments and our interview with Cicely Rae Jackson.

Out For Blood: Interview with SAFIRE

We chat to female crossover metal artist SAFIRE about her new single, aesthetic and tattoo collection…

How would you describe your music? DOM POP! I make dominant pop music drawing inspiration from my love of metal/hardcore punk, RnB and Pop. My music is angry, empowering and sexually charged by my lust for shifting the power dynamics from the masculine to the feminine.

What inspires you as an artist? Rage! War! Blood!

When did your musical career start? I’ve been singing, dancing and acting since I was a kid, but I guess things really started to come to life during the pandemic lockdowns. I lived alone and had a lot of time on my hands to get creative, which is where things really began to take shape.

I wrote a whole record and even recorded two music videos during that period. I think that was the only thing keeping me sane! 

How have you got to where you are today? Blood, sweat and tears. And then some more blood and tears! I’m a self made, independent artist.

I’m lucky to have had the support of some incredible thinkers and creatives to help me develop what I see in my mind. My career and life are synonymous in that respect.

Can you tell us about your new single? I’ve arrived at a point where I have absolute respect for the divine feminine and will no longer tolerate oppression of any kind from the masculine. This is the message.

Out For Blood is about reclaiming your feminine power. It’s a self chant reminding you that you’re a fucking warrior!  

I think the message is clear. You fucked with the wrong woman. You’re on my list and I’m coming for you. 

What’s the process behind your songs? I sometimes draft a concept or storyline based on thoughts that I’ve been having or maybe it’s a nightmare I’ve had. I then draw together a playlist of elements that I’m vibing and will then sit down with my producer and start creating the track.

Whilst the track is being built I’ll start to hear melodies and rhythms. I then build in the storyline and lyrics that I’ve written. The process can be different depending on the mood but that’s a formula that works for me. I like to work in small circles of people that I trust, respect the opinions of and share a similar vision with.

Where can people see you live and find your single? OUT FOR BLOOD is out on all streaming platforms now! The music video is out on the 11th October at 6pm on YouTube.

I’ll be announcing other releases/live shows on socials so follow me there for dates.

When did you get your first tattoo, what is it and do you still like it? I got my first tattoo with a fucking amazing artist and human – Woody @woodfordtattoo. It was a heart made of question marks with soundwaves. It’s done well but nothing I’d have done now. It’s hidden amongst my sleeve on my inner arm. Even though I’m not a huge fan of it I do remember drawing it whilst listening to Tool’s new album (10,000 Days) and it holds some cool memories for me so I wouldn’t change it. 

Walk us through your tattoo collection, do you have a favourite? On my fingers are lyrics from a track by The Hope Conspiracy “It’s a gun at my neck, a voice in my ear, to never look back” handpoked by Adam Sage @adamsage13 and I think they are my favourite tattoos.

I have wings on my neck which is my latest tattoo done by Woody which are my second favourite tattoo. Number three has to be my cat x-ray on my leg by Jack Newton @jackthomasnewton. I got that one done shortly after my cat Canaan died, so it holds a lot of meaning. I’m really into iconography so a lot of my tattoos have some of these pieces within them. 

Do your tattoos help you to feel more confident? I think they did when I was a lot younger but I don’t really see them now.

They’re a part of me and an extension of my thoughts and feelings that I’m willing to convey outwardly. It’s a similar process with my music and visual art. 

Did your fashion style come first or your music, how do these come together? I think both elements have evolved concurrently and are both just a culmination of my interests and influences. I’m influenced by darker aesthetics and sounds for sure! Always have been.

Do you listen to music while you’re getting tattooed? Yes! I remember listening to Isis’s (then) new album ‘In The Absence Of Truth’ whilst getting my tattoo sleeve done. I LOVE Garden Of Light. Very cathartic.

Being tattooed has opened doors and conversations for me that I don’t think would have otherwise been opened. It’s equally closed some!

Can you share any experiences, good or bad, of being a tattooed woman? People definitely make judgements about who you are based on your looks and tattoos. I remember being stared at by an old and very disgusted couple in Belgium years ago. That felt weird to me. I don’t even notice my tattoos any more so I didn’t know what the hell they were looking at!

I’ve had the opportunity to appear in tattoo magazines and to host conventions when I was younger which was amazing. I met some incredible people during that period, so no regrets! 

Follow SAFIRE for more music, fashion and tattoos.