We absolutely love independent tattoo skincare brand Stories & Inkand everything they stand for aligns with our vibe over here at Things & Ink.The Stories & Ink range has been specially created for people with tattoos, the products nourish, define and protect tattooed skin – from aftercare cream and gentle foam cleanser for freshly inked skin to vibrancy serums and exfoliating wash to inject some life back into older tattoos.
We caught up with Stories & Ink Creative Content Manager, Barbara Crane – who’s 26 years old and lives in Latvia – to find out her top tips for dealing with that dreaded new tattoo itch and her fave S&I products for new tattoo healing.Barbara’s a tattoo collector, too, of course, and her collection of blackwork tattoos is out of this world…
Barbara is the creative content manager for Stories & Ink skincare
What made you fall in love with tattoos? Do you remember when it was? I was about six or seven years old, I think. The idea of having permanent art that’s all over your skin – and goes everywhere with you – fascinated me. When I was a child, I also loved art and drawing. I thought the idea of having drawings on your skin was amaaazzzing and I couldn’t wait to cover myself in art.
Do you enjoy the process of getting tattooed? I would say 50/50. I do love going to the tattoo studio, talking to tattoo artists, and going through the whole process – except the pain of actually getting tattooed, of course. Yes, it is a part of the process and, to some degree, I do like it, but I don’t know what it is – age or something else – but it does feel like every next tattoo is more painful than the last. My tolerance is a lot lower than it used to be. Or maybe it just means that I keep moving to more and more painful places on my body.
The top half of Barbara’s body has been tattooed by Emīls Salmiņš
What’s your top tips for the healing process? Hmm, I’d say leaving the healing tattoo alone as much as possible. Of course, cleaning it and applying aftercare cream when needed. But don’t go into the sun, don’t do any crazy activities, don’t pick at it and drink a lot of water. Treat it almost like a wound and just let it heal. Then the healing process happens a lot faster.
Do you have a fave Stories & Ink product? Why? Oof, always hard to pick one. I am totally a fan of the Daily Moisturiser and the Vibrancy Serum, for sure! They both smell so amazing and nothing makes my tattoos come back to life and glow like these two products do!
How do you cope with the new tattoo itch? Ha! Good question. I didn’t experience it that much in the past, but the last few tattoos I got, it came to bite me in the butt. I don’t scratch it – of course. Maybe give it a light tap with my palm, if it is unbearable. But if I do feel an itchy sensation, it just means that the spot is dry and I apply a little of the Stories & Ink Aftercare Cream and that usually does the trick.
Any new tattoo plans? I have a bunch, but first I’d love to finish my massive back piece. Later I’d like to get my fingers tattooed and the insides of my ears.
What’s your coping tactics to deal with long sessions? Honestly, numbing cream. I know people debate about it, but I don’t understand why. Some say “you should earn the tattoo” but I say that is just toxic masculinity at it’s finest. A bit of a hot take, I know. But it’s true. If it will be a long session and in a spot that’s very sensitive and painful, make it easier for you and for the artist. If the area is numb or has less sensations than normal then you are having a breeze and the artist can focus on doing their work without you whining and twitching and moving around from the pain. Other coping tactics would be music or watching videos on my phone. Really distracts my brain well.
What do you love most about working at Stories & Ink?
I’ve been a freelancer for a long time and everything always felt so hectic, working at S&I has brought so much structure in to my work life and I love it as I am a big planner myself. Also being a huge tattoo enthusiast, I feel like I have found my place – finally. I used to think I would be a tattoo artist as I thought that was the only job I could have in the tattoo industry, but I am glad I was wrong. I love how welcoming, passionate and understanding the team is. I feel so lucky to be a part of such an amazing, growing and future-thinking company that aims to share the right messages about tattoos, tattooed people and tattoo care – and so much more.
Bazhen Nikitin, creates medieval inspired etching tattoos in Ufa city in Russia. We chat to the tattooist about his style, journey into the tattoo world and flash designs…
How long have you been tattooing and how did you get started in the industry? I have been tattooing for eight years. When I was 18, I got my first tattoo and I instantly fell in love with it.
After that I chose to pursue a career in tattooing and I began to study how to tattoo. Around a year later after lots of learning and practice I completed my first tattoo. I haven’t stopped tattooing since then.
What inspired you to become an artist? Do you have a background in art? I have always enjoyed drawing, and I began consistently drawing when I was 13 years old. I used to like drawing anything and everything, and could spend hours doing it. After completing high school, I enrolled at a design university, where I studied for about two years.
At the same time I was really enjoying my job as a tattoo artist, it exceeded my expectations. Tattooing was already providing me with a substantial income, so I dropped out of college to focus on my profession.
What inspires your designs? I am very obsessed with old medieval engravings and etchings. Many of them look a bit odd, even so I find them to be rather beautiful.
What do you like to tattoo and what would you like to do more of? I enjoy creating unique-looking creatures of my own design. I have developed my own style of tattooing. There is nothing else I would like to do more of, as I am already exclusively working on my own projects.
I want to feel unrestrained when I am developing new designs, so I don’t do custom designs because they consume my creativity. All of my customers just choose from designs inspired by my own creativity.
Can you tell us about the process behind your tattoos? Everything is based primarily on the design. Discussing details with the client is, in my opinion, the most critical step in designing and applying body art. Then, it is essential to set up the station so that both I and my client are comfortable during the potentially lengthy session. I have my own way of arranging my station so that everything is easily accessible. After the tattoo is completed, I clean it, take pictures and apply aftercare.
How do you see your tattoos evolving in the future? Artists with distinctive styles will be in high demand and personal branding will undoubtedly be a major trend in the world of tattooing. People will seek out tattoo artists whose style is distinguishable and recognisable.
I have already accomplished a great deal in this industry due to my unique style and my large customer base, so, I feel confident in my future as a tattoo artist.
What was your first tattoo and do you still like it? How has your tattoo collection grown since then? My very first tattoo was a flash design created by a local artist. I can’t say I enjoy looking at it, but I have no regrets regarding the tattoos I have.
Now that I know many outstanding tattoo artists from all over the world, I get tattooed by them. The majority of my body is already covered in tattoos, but I don’t think I’ll stop until I’m completely covered.
Where has been your favourite place to travel and tattoo? I frequently visit Saint Petersburg. It is a truly special city populated by a large number of open-minded individuals who make it a joy to collaborate with on a daily basis.
Do you have any travels or guest spots planned? In the past five years, I have spent a significant amount of time traveling to various locations and tattooing. I appreciate working with individuals from other countries, but at this stage in my life, I want to settle down for a while and have greater stability.
Therefore, I currently have no guest spots planned. In the future, I may continue traveling and working as a guesting tattoo artist because I do enjoy it.
What’s the tattoo scene like where you are? When I first began tattooing eight years ago, it was significantly worse than it is now. In my hometown at the time, there were only three well-known tattoo artists, so the options were limited. Starting out as a tattoo artist was filled with many challenges. Nevertheless, I did not give up.
I’ve traveled to various places and countries, and I communicate and exchange tattooing techniques with numerous renowned tattoo artists. I became more powerful and excellent as a result of mastering a variety of tattoo techniques and incorporating great tattoo elements into my design.
Now that I have extensive tattooing experience, I am a well-known and recognised tattoo artist in my country. I’ve also seen that each year, a growing number of new tattoo artists choose this profession. I am delighted by the expansion of the tattoo industry and I am willing to impart my expertise of tattoos to future generations. I’ve taught numerous apprentices in the tattoo industry, it’s a fantastic opportunity to grow and improve the tattoo industry.
What do you do when you’re not tattooing/drawing? I spend most of my time drawing and tattooing, but in my free time I enjoy walking through nearby parks. This refreshes and inspires me.
What moment in your career are you most proud of? I am proud of how I’ve developed my own distinct style. I believe that an exceptional tattoo artist is able to maintain his or her unique style. I’m delighted that so many people appreciate my style and seek me out for tattoos. I am also very pleased to be tattooing only the patterns and designs that I am willing to create.
I was invited to take part in ArtStation II International 2021 as one of the tattoo masters in 2021. It was and is a worldwide interactive exhibition in which many renowned tattoo artists and professionals from countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, among others, participated. To reach this stage in my career has required great dedication and effort.
Follow Bazhen Nikitin for more etched creatures and tattoos.
We love the cosy handpoke tattoos Poppy creates at The Blackhouse Club, Brighton and K-ink, London so much so that we had to find out more about the artist behind them. We chat to Poppy about their journey into the tattoo world, inspirations and the joy tattooing brings…
How long have you been tattooing and how did you become an artist? I began learning to handpoke in January 2021 and have been tattooing professionally since January 2022. I am a self / community taught tattooist as opposed to having a traditional apprenticeship – I began by practising on fruit and fake skin with guidance from my partner (who is also a tattoo artist) before gradually moving onto tattooing myself and some very trusting friends.
After graduating from university, I began focusing on developing my tattooing practice as much as I could while working part time before being offered my first residency at a studio in January 2022 where I worked once a week. Since then I have become a resident at two different studios, The Blackhouse Club and K-ink Peckham, and I’m now a full time tattooist.
If you weren’t a tattooer what would you be? I would love to be working somewhere in the film or television industry. I studied for a Masters degree in Film Studies while learning to tattoo, originally planning (or at least hoping) to get into screenwriting, which is something I would still really love to explore in the future. I also think I would love to put my artistic skills to good use in set and prop design.
What’s your favourite thing about being a tattooer? This is a really hard question for me because there’s just so much to love! Right now I’d say that one of my favourite things about being a tattooer is the freedom it allows me. Being a self employed, working artist gives me the freedom to choose when and how much I work, allows me to easily take time off when I need it and allows me to travel all over the world (although i’ve only gone as far as London yet!).
As someone who is neurodiverse and struggles with my mental health, I also find that this freedom is a huge help in helping me take care of myself better. As I am able to take guilt-free rest and time away when I need it as to not burn myself out or become so overwhelmed to the point of meltdown, like I used to experience frequently during other jobs and my education.
I’d say in general the best thing about being a tattoo artist is the fact that I am able to be an artist full time, as simple as that sounds. Not all artists have the luxury of being able to entirely support themselves financially with their artwork, and I am so grateful that I am able to make an earning this way, especially as someone who has really struggled to make a liveable income in the past while working “ordinary” jobs, let alone through making art!
I still wake up some days in disbelief that I get to make one-of-a-kind, permanent, art on my lovely clients for a living and not just for the sheer joy of it.
Can you tell us about your experiences in the tattoo industry? Although I haven’t been in the industry for very long, I can safely say that so far my experience has been pretty great. I have had the opportunity to meet and work alongside so many incredibly talented artists, some of which I’m lucky enough to call my friends. I am so lucky to know such kind, passionate and deeply creative tattooists who I have learned so much from.
I also cherish all of my wonderful clients, the best living and breathing canvases that anyone could ask for, who have all placed so much trust in me.
Of course, like any industry, the tattoo industry does have its issues which I am no way naive to. Unfortunately and sadly almost inevitably, there are a fair few bad eggs who have made their way into this industry. From tattooists who massively overcharge clients who don’t know any better or who exploit the labour of other artists and apprentices, tattooists who unashamedly steal designs from other artists and even tattooists who are just downright creeps who prey on young, vulnerable clients and artists.
I have been very fortunate that I have come into contact with only a small handful of these bad eggs and any interactions I have had with them have been brief. I’m incredibly thankful to now work in two lovely studios that are genuinely inclusive, safe, and clean (I know this sounds like a given, but you’d be surprised).
How would you describe your work? I find my own style quite difficult to describe. I’ve been told by others that my work is ignorant style, but to me this feels like quite a tricky categorisation, especially since I often take a lot of inspiration from traditional style tattooing which ignorant style is often defined in opposition to.
I often describe my style as ‘illustrative’, especially as I started off doing illustration work and translated that drawing style into tattooing.
We love your bold line style which is not often seen with handpoke tattoos, what drew you to this style? I’m drawn to the bolder style of lines mostly because I find that bolder lines tend to heal better and are more consistent than more fine lines, They also tend to age a bit better. It’s also a style I personally enjoy myself, a lot of the tattoos I have on my body use thick, bold lines.
What inspires you? When designing flash I find that I am inspired by all sorts of other art forms. Lots of my flash is directly inspired by music, films, and fine art. I have made flash sheets specifically based on films like Midsommar and Beetlejuice, and artists such as Claude Cahun, Frida Kahlo and Henri Matisse.
I also like to take inspiration from traditional tattoo flash from artists like Sailor Jerry, as well as French and Russian prison style tattoos. However, most of the time when drawing flash I just sketch whatever first comes to mind without any references at all, and just use whatever images that come to me subsciously as my main source of inspiration.
Can you tell us about the process behind your tattoos? When designing flash, I often first sketch onto paper whatever images or words are floating around in my mind. I then take these sketched ideas into procreate where I draw them up digitally, so I can make sure the designs are neat and the line weights are consistent. These line drawings I can then use to make a stencil for if someone gets the particular design tattooed.
As for the actual tattooing process itself, it’s pretty simple since I use a hand poke method. Typically I tape my needle to a sterile tongue depressor with medical tape and then wrap it with grip tape to help make it a bit easier to hold steady while working.
I try to follow my clients lead on whether they want a quiet or chatty session as I don’t mind doing either (although I do find I make my best work when things are a little bit quieter and I am able to concentrate on the tattoo entirely), and offer as many breaks as they need so that it’s a comfortable, low-pressure experience. Consent is incredibly important.
What drew you to handpoke instead of machine tattooing? Handpoke is just the first method I was taught when I was learning to tattoo and it stuck! Although it requires a bit more patience, I like that I can really take my time when hand poking, and also that it can be a bit more gentle for the client. I would eventually like to learn how to use a machine so I can make bigger and more complex pieces, but I’m not in any rush.
You often use coloured ink, does this impact how you tattoo when handpoking? Coloured inks do tend to be a bit trickier to handpoke. Coloured inks tend to be much thicker than black ink, so it can require a bit more perseverance to get them into the skin, especially if you’re trying to create a block of colour as opposed to coloured lines. Even though they’re a bit harder to work with, I do really enjoy using colour in my hand pokes.
I think I especially enjoy using them because I don’t personally have any colour tattoos (not for any particular reason, I just got a lot of black tattoos and then decided that I’d committed to the aesthetic), so I get to live vicariously through my clients.
What would you say to someone who isn’t sure whether to get a handpoke tattoo? The first thing I would think about is if the person already has other tattoos done by machine – usually I would reassure them that handpokes, depending on the placement, are usually a bit more gentle and less traumatic for the skin. So you can expect the experience to be a little less intense than getting tattooed by machine and that they are typically a bit easier and quicker to heal.
I also think that some people are unsure about getting hand poke tattoos because they have some misconceptions about handpoked tattoos – some clients before their appointment have told me that they’ve been told that handpokes are a lot more painful, that they don’t last as long or even disappear completely after a number of years, or that they will take many more hours than a tattoo done by machine. I like to reassure people that lots of people think that they are less painful (although everyone’s pain tolerance is different and subjective), that some handpokers, including myself, can produce work quite quickly, and that they are just as permanent as machine tattoos as long as they have been done properly.
Of course handpoked tattoos aren’t for everyone, and people are entitled to their personal preferences when it comes to getting tattooed. If you find that you can struggle with sitting still for longer periods of time, or if you particularly enjoy the noise or the speed of being tattooed by machine then maybe handpoke won’t be your favourite. But I think it’s always worth a try, especially if you’re looking to learn how to tattoo as it’s a great way to start.
What do you like to tattoo and what would you like to do more of? My favourite things to tattoos are human faces/figures, inanimate objects and anything heart shaped. Luckily, I get to tattoo these things a lot! I find that the motifs I’m drawn to change all of the time, both in the things I like to draw and get tattooed myself – currently I seem to be obsessed with sacred hearts, sea shells and hands.
Can you tell us about your own tattoos? Are you a tattoo collector? I do like to consider myself a tattoo collector, so much so that I try to limit myself to less than three tattoos by any given artist so that I have room for as many different artists’ work as possible. I don’t tend to stick to one style for my own tattoos – I have a mixture of blackwork, ignorant style, illustrative, fine line and traditional, and I also have a mixture of handpoke and machine.
The only thing that keeps my collection cohesive is the fact that I only have black ink tattooed on me. Although I absolutely love colour tattoos, I personally only like to have black tattoos myself so that they don’t clash with each other, especially since they vary so much in style.
Do you have a favourite tattoo experience? I can’t think of any one experience that I would call my favourite, and I’m very lucky in that all of my experiences in getting tattooed so far have been positive ones. I feel most comfortable and relaxed when being tattooed by friends, and other queer and/or neurodiverse tattooers, as I feel there less pressure to mask and I feel more comfortable in asking questions and setting boundaries.
What moment in your career are you most proud of? It’s hard to pinpoint one specific moment when each day is so different. Honestly, it sounds cheesy, but I’m proud of every new tattoo that I get to make. I also must say that being reached out to by Things & Ink to do this interview is a highlight in and of itself is a proud moment for me and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to gush about my love of tattooing.
Be sure to follow @thursdaygurl_ for more amazing tattoos, fun flash and appointment details.
We chat to female crossover metal artist SAFIRE about her new single, aesthetic and tattoo collection…
How would you describe your music? DOM POP! I make dominant pop music drawing inspiration from my love of metal/hardcore punk, RnB and Pop. My music is angry, empowering and sexually charged by my lust for shifting the power dynamics from the masculine to the feminine.
What inspires you as an artist? Rage! War! Blood!
When did your musical career start? I’ve been singing, dancing and acting since I was a kid, but I guess things really started to come to life during the pandemic lockdowns. I lived alone and had a lot of time on my hands to get creative, which is where things really began to take shape.
I wrote a whole record and even recorded two music videos during that period. I think that was the only thing keeping me sane!
How have you got to where you are today? Blood, sweat and tears. And then some more blood and tears! I’m a self made, independent artist.
I’m lucky to have had the support of some incredible thinkers and creatives to help me develop what I see in my mind. My career and life are synonymous in that respect.
Can you tell us about your new single? I’ve arrived at a point where I have absolute respect for the divine feminine and will no longer tolerate oppression of any kind from the masculine. This is the message.
Out For Blood is about reclaiming your feminine power. It’s a self chant reminding you that you’re a fucking warrior!
I think the message is clear. You fucked with the wrong woman. You’re on my list and I’m coming for you.
What’s the process behind your songs? I sometimes draft a concept or storyline based on thoughts that I’ve been having or maybe it’s a nightmare I’ve had. I then draw together a playlist of elements that I’m vibing and will then sit down with my producer and start creating the track.
Whilst the track is being built I’ll start to hear melodies and rhythms. I then build in the storyline and lyrics that I’ve written. The process can be different depending on the mood but that’s a formula that works for me. I like to work in small circles of people that I trust, respect the opinions of and share a similar vision with.
Where can people see you live and find your single? OUT FOR BLOOD is out on all streaming platforms now! The music video is out on the 11th October at 6pm on YouTube.
I’ll be announcing other releases/live shows on socials so follow me there for dates.
When did you get your first tattoo, what is it and do you still like it? I got my first tattoo with a fucking amazing artist and human – Woody @woodfordtattoo. It was a heart made of question marks with soundwaves. It’s done well but nothing I’d have done now. It’s hidden amongst my sleeve on my inner arm. Even though I’m not a huge fan of it I do remember drawing it whilst listening to Tool’s new album (10,000 Days) and it holds some cool memories for me so I wouldn’t change it.
Walk us through your tattoo collection, do you have a favourite? On my fingers are lyrics from a track by The Hope Conspiracy “It’s a gun at my neck, a voice in my ear, to never look back” handpoked by Adam Sage @adamsage13 and I think they are my favourite tattoos.
I have wings on my neck which is my latest tattoo done by Woody which are my second favourite tattoo. Number three has to be my cat x-ray on my leg by Jack Newton @jackthomasnewton. I got that one done shortly after my cat Canaan died, so it holds a lot of meaning. I’m really into iconography so a lot of my tattoos have some of these pieces within them.
Do your tattoos help you to feel more confident? I think they did when I was a lot younger but I don’t really see them now.
They’re a part of me and an extension of my thoughts and feelings that I’m willing to convey outwardly. It’s a similar process with my music and visual art.
Did your fashion style come first or your music, how do these come together? I think both elements have evolved concurrently and are both just a culmination of my interests and influences. I’m influenced by darker aesthetics and sounds for sure! Always have been.
Do you listen to music while you’re getting tattooed? Yes! I remember listening to Isis’s (then) new album ‘In The Absence Of Truth’ whilst getting my tattoo sleeve done. I LOVE Garden Of Light. Very cathartic.
Being tattooed has opened doors and conversations for me that I don’t think would have otherwise been opened. It’s equally closed some!
Can you share any experiences, good or bad, of being a tattooed woman? People definitely make judgements about who you are based on your looks and tattoos. I remember being stared at by an old and very disgusted couple in Belgium years ago. That felt weird to me. I don’t even notice my tattoos any more so I didn’t know what the hell they were looking at!
I’ve had the opportunity to appear in tattoo magazines and to host conventions when I was younger which was amazing. I met some incredible people during that period, so no regrets!
Burnout, working all hours, undercharging for tattoos. Does this sound familiar? Kerry-Anne Richardson (Kezz) is an autistic tattooer of 15 years and owner of Cock A Snook Tattoo Parlour who’s here to help you find that sweet spot when it comes to the tattooer’s work life balance. Read on to find out how Tattoo Smarter can change your life…
What is Tattoo Smarter? Ooof, where do I start, I guess superficially you could say it’s a brand (brand?! Who the fuck do I think I am!) I created to help other tattooers, but to be honest it’s deeper than that. I wanted a way to make a positive impact in the industry that goes beyond making tattoos.
I guess Tattoo Smarter is a way to channel my love for tattooing into a practical form. Problem solving and sharing are my love language/traits of my autistic brain.
Why did you launch Tattoo Smarter? Short version: I was fucking sick of seeing tattooers drown in toxic bullshit and treating each other poorly. Long version: I struggled myself. A LOT and I’ve seen so many other tattooers struggle a lot too…but nobody wants to talk about it.
As much as I love tattooing and the beautiful life it’s provided me, it’s been a fucking hard slog and I’m not ashamed to admit it. There’s an ingrained opinion in tattooing that we should ‘put up and shut up’. Part of why I struggled is the toxic messaging that’s so deep rooted in the industry. What’s accepted as normal isn’t fucking normal. It’s HARMFUL.
Work every hour you have? Hate other studios? Don’t complain!? Don’t charge more than other tattooers? Do every tattoo that comes through the door? Be your client’s therapist? WTF?! No thanks tattooing hun, we can do better.
So, I guess to summarise – I was fed up of being a ‘good girl’ one that’s expected to parrot something like “I turned my passion into a job so I’ll never worked a day in my life”. We need to ditch that narrative asap and start being more authentic.
Tattooing is a hard job and if we don’t look after ourselves it’s a recipe for misery WHEN IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. I made Tattoo Smarter to connect with other tattooers that feel this way too. Others that want better for themselves and each other.
How long have you been running it? Not long at all! I drew the logo at the beginning of May this year and launched my first course, albeit quietly a few months ago. It’s been like a whirlwind. I never expected as much support or traction as I’ve had. Not complaining, it just further cements that’s I’m doing the right thing.
I know your priority is helping tattooers with their self care and boundaries – what are the things that happened in your own life to make you think this was needed? Burnout on repeat. (And I know I’m not alone in this).
I towed the line and tried to do everything the same as other tattooers and I just couldn’t, I had no idea I was autistic and kept having to take breaks from tattooing because I was so overwhelmed all the time.
When I recently came back to tattooing after a break, I had a fresh perspective on advocating for myself. I knew the changes I needed to make to keep myself safe. My systems and processes have been born out of necessity and I realised these processes could help so many other tattooers too.
Why do you think the tattoo industry doesn’t have more regulation and guidance? Because there are still a metric fucktonne of people who directly benefit from their privilege and it being unregulated/under the radar. There are so many people learning from people who don’t know any better and loads of people treating tattooing like it’s a hobby and their clients as friends.
It’s where we get our income so we need to treat it as our business. We need more boundaries between our personal and professional.
The community is fractured and as of yet we’ve not had everyone pulling in the same direction. We’ve also got a lot of non-tattoo people coming into our industry to make money. This dilutes our craft massively and blurs the lines even more.
Why is now the time for change? Not my quote but if not now? When?? Maybe add a ‘fucking’ in there to make it sound like me!
What are the things you personally would like to see change in the industry? Holy fuck where do I start? Racism, misogyny, ableism, gate-keeping, the unprofessionalism, hustle harm (that’s my term for it) the cliqueness, glamourising the grind, the insane undercharging for tattoos?!
Parts of it are akin to a minging car crash I’ve seen happening in slow motion. I don’t want anyone to think tattooing isn’t mint, because it is. But I don’t want to change the good stuff – just the shit that makes it shady and not inclusive. I want tattooers to be healthy and happy (not shells of humans surviving off Monsters and cocaine) with more money in their fucking pockets. I’m not trying to be the fun police, but the most fun is feeling safe and secure in your job.
Do you think covid has changed the way the industry runs? The way the general public book tattoos and also how artists feel right now post pandemic? It has changed a lot. Firstly, over the pandemic so many self-employed and studio owners were let down and not supported financially by our (corrupt as fuck) government. Lots of people are still recovering from that lack of support.
Secondly, it created a bubble, lots and lots of artists suddenly went from booking two weeks in advance to booking out three months. This was because lots of employed people on furlough ended up having spare cash and because nobody did any tattoos for ages, it created an inflated demand.
Unfortunately that bubble is bursting for many and as we head into a recession not dissimilar to 2008/9 on top of the (intentional) energy crisis lots of tattooers/studios won’t be prepared for this or even expect it. Clients are even more so than before expecting much cheaper tattoos because tattooers are undercutting each other and driving all the money out of tattooing. Tattoos are too cheap and they have been for ages – I want to change this.
Ok give us the solid ways that tattooers can connect with you right now and what can they access on tattoo smarter? Both free and paid for resources? I do lots of Q&As in my Instagram (@tattoosmarter) stories where tattooers and piercers can ask me stuff confidentially and I share anonymously. I also get lots of messages through DM, don’t worry I’ve got boundaries with this – I encourage tattooers not to use DMs but this isn’t the same as tattoo clients I promise!
Tattooers can join our Tattoo Smarter community slack chat, it’s completely free and essentially, it’s full of like-minded people in a group you can access on your phone etc. The ethos of this group is to be a decent fucking human, so lots of sharing, supporting and solidarity. I’m really proud of it!
I’ve free resources on why we need enquiry forms and how to make a form better. There’s also a free mini mindset course on boundaries
Paid stuff – a self-employed handbook that includes a checklist. So many Tattooers feel like they are winging it, and to be honest so many fucking are (I’ve been here too by the way). I made this so tattooers and piercers can atleast nail the basics- no more waking up at 2am in cold sweats – it’s only £10.50 ‘n’ all.
Your new course sounds brilliant and you’re right we’re at a point where we’re all moaning about Instagram and have gotten to a point where we rely too much on it. Is this what the course is about? Thank you! Well chuffed! Ok, so since these questions were written I’ve released another course, I told you I was excited!
My ‘protect your Insta income course’you’re referring to teaches tattooers how to connect directly to their clients without having to be a bloody mime act in the hope the algorithm will ‘pick them’.
So many tattooers just don’t have the time or the will to be fannying around making reels. Letting a social media platform control our income is soul destroying/unsustainable and I see in real time how much it is corroding our mental health. But, we have the ability to take control instead of gambling on likes and engagement. So that’s what the course is: two fingers up to Insta I guess.
But my new course? Oh maaaaannn, this is the one I’m most excited for. I pretty much start vibrating every time I talk about it.
My ‘Get Booked, Bells n Whistles Booking‘ is me teaching tattooers my own personal booking process. Tried and tested and tattooer (me) developed. It does EVERYTHING bar cooking your tea when you get home…
It takes deposits
It sends reminders
It covers all your cancellation policies and pre tattoo info
It stops you undercharging
It fucking organises everything so you feel calm and look like a stone cold professional for your clients. I mean not just look it – become MORE profesh. Being professional adds to your value, more value means you can charge more.
It stops all the time wasting with emails back and forth, I can literally do 20 requests in an hour.
I don’t want to use the word magic but I dunno how I managed before this process. And I’m not a tech person either (I’m a tech-nanna). I’m a tattoo person so any issues and struggles you have had, I’ve made this with those in mind.
My first intake is discounted at £199 for the course to say thank you to those who have supported what I’m trying to do, it starts in November. After that it will be £350 (I know some people think that’s expensive but it’s the same price as some tattoo machines). It’s an investment. The time and stress it saves is INVALUABLE and will make you just as much as a new tattyzapper ever will. Also send me any questions you have via DM if you need more info!
What are some of the ways you protect and look after your own mental health? Having boundaries and being kind to myself. Mycology, I bloody love hunting and categorising mushrooms and writing lists of my finds. Lots and lots of alone time, I need non-verbal days, days without demands and lots of quiet. Not the easiest with having my own studio granted. But having efficient work systems has been one of the biggest changing points in my mental health. Not wasting time and energy on stuff has changed my outlook entirely. I’m so excited by it I just want to share it with anyone who will listen.
We’ve talked about the boys’ club before haven’t we, and how hard it can be trying to cut through that. Can you explain a little more about this part of the industry that the general public might not understand? I guess the boys’ club stuff happens in all industries to be honest as it’s still cis white men as the majority and at the top of everything. So I think most people who don’t identify as this will understand to some extent. Many marginalised tattooers and ones who want to be allys are scared to speak up because it goes against the grain. Big name tattooers and organisers have the ability to end someone’s career just as much as make it, then others follow suit so they “get picked”.
Unfortunately the misogyny in our industry is perpetuated by lots of the women too. This patriarchal bullshit hurts EVERYBODY in the long run.
What’s next for Tattoo Smarter and what’s next for Kezz? Some stuff in the pipeline regarding training that everyone should have, but doesn’t. There’s loads of stuff I wanna do but right now the courses I have will keep me busy. Also I’m in the middle of buying a house.
Is there anything else you want to say about what you do that we haven’t asked you about? I just wanted to tell people to start believing in themselves and to stop comparing themselves to other tattooers as everyone’s tattoo journey is different. The best way to help ourselves is to be proactive and if we are regularly complaining or unhappy we need to realise we have the power to do something about it.
Tattooing can be better if we all pull together. I’m here to help.
Make sure to follow @tattoosmarter for more advice and resources.