“Tattoos can help you embrace your body rather than hide from it” – in conversation with body positivity influencer Sara Puhto aka @saggysara

Sara Puhto aka @saggysara

Sara Puhto, known as @saggysara on Instagram, is a body positivity influencer who shares real, raw and refreshingly honest content. Social media bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, making us question ourselves and our bodies – but Sara is on a mission to change that, one post at a time.

Beyond her empowering message, Sara also proudly shows off her bold and beautiful tattoos. It’s common to hear people say they’ll wait to get a tattoo until they look a certain way – a mindset that, unfortunately, persists. But Sara challenges this idea, reminding us that all bodies are worthy of tattoos and that life is too short to put off getting that tattoo!

We sat down with Sara to talk about her content, her tattoos and how the tattoo community has evolved in recent years.

What inspired you to start creating body positivity content?

I used to be a fitness content creator back in 2016 and realised that I was posing, flexing and sucking in all my photos. I was sharing my workouts and “what I eat in a day” videos and realised that I was comparing myself to other content creators who were also posting similar content. I’d compare my body to theirs and assume that they looked flexed all the time, even when they were relaxing their bodies. That’s when I decided to share my relaxed body next to my posed, flexed and sucked in body to show the “reality” behind my Instagram posts. It felt really rewarding and helpful to not only me, but also to my audience – I haven’t stopped since.

I also had an eating disorder and a problematic disordered relationship with working out and started my journey to healing. I now have a healthy relationship with food and working out and have found a balance that is sustainable for me. Posting my body acceptance and body-neutral content was almost like having a public diary of my healing process and sharing my inner thoughts and feelings while recovering publicly. This, I don’t regret one bit, as it’s so beautiful to know that others have healed and started their healing journeys through the help of my content, which means the world to me. 

Can you tell us about some of your favourite tattoos and their significance to you?

The majority of my tattoos are because “they looked nice and I wanted it”. But I have my cat tattooed on me, he passed away two years ago and he meant so much to me, I’m still not fully over him passing so it’s comforting to have the tattoo of him to remind me that he’s never really gone. I’m quite spiritual and believe that our passed loved ones stay with us. 

@saggysara‘s cat tattoo

I have the words “stay present” and “alive” on my palms, to remind me to be in the moment and to make the most of being alive. I got those tattoos at a really low, rock-bottom moment of my life when I was struggling with depression and trying to gain the courage to leave an abusive relationship. Once I left the abusive relationship and started my healing journey, having those moments of really fixating and looking at my palms helped me refocus my perception of life – always a great reminder! 

@saggysara’s Stay Present tattoo

How have tattoos influenced your body confidence?

I used to be really insecure about my torso. I have a wider torso because I’ve undergone scoliosis surgery. It took me such a long time to feel confident to get my stomach tattooed because I was worried it would draw attention to my wide torso. But ever since I started getting it tattooed, I feel so much more confident in my relaxed body! 

I also just love looking at myself in the mirror now. I’ve wanted to be heavily tattooed ever since I was a young teenager, so I know little me would be obsessed with all the body art which makes me feel happy and confident!

Do you think tattoos can serve as a tool for improving self-esteem? How so?

@saggysara on Instagram

Absolutely! Tattoos can be a powerful way to reclaim your body and express yourself. For many people getting a tattoo can help them embrace parts of themselves they once felt insecure about. It’s like turning your body into a canvas that reflects who you are, and that can be empowering.

Why do you think people feel they need to have a certain body type to get tattoos?

A lot of it comes from outdated beauty standards and the way tattooed bodies are/were portrayed in media. For a long time, most tattoo ads and magazines featured thin, toned bodies, making it seem like tattoos “belong” on a certain type of person. That combined with societal pressure to look a certain way, can make people feel like they need the “perfect” body before getting tattooed. 

Do you feel there’s enough representation of diverse body types in the tattoo community?

@saggysara on Instagram

There’s progress, but there’s still room for improvement. More artists are showcasing tattooed bodies of different sizes, shapes and skin tones, which is great to see. I think social media has helped a lot in normalising tattoos on all kinds of bodies, but mainstream representation, especially in magazines, ads and TV still tends to favour a certain “ideal” look. The reality is, tattoos are for everybody who wants them. Thankfully more inclusive artists and platforms are pushing for diversity, and I think we’re heading in the right direction.

Do you think the tattoo industry is becoming more inclusive? What changes would you like to see?

I’m not a tattoo artist but it’s lovely to see tattoo artists posting more flash and concept pieces on larger bodies on Instagram. I also think the kindness of tattoo artists regarding self-harm scars, stretch marks and other body aspects that might cause someone insecurities is being handled with a lot more compassion and kindness.

From my experience, whenever an artist has seen my old self-harm scars, they have approached it in a way that always makes me feel comfortable, especially when it comes to asking for consent when posting photos of tattoos that have been done on my old self-harm scars. 

I’d like to see a wider acceptance of different tattoo styles beyond what’s traditionally considered “mainstream,” encouraging artists to explore and express their own unique visions without judgement. I feel like a lot of artists are doing this and it’s amazing to see, I just wish the public on social media comment sections weren’t so rude and judgemental. 

Have you noticed any changes in how tattoo culture intersects with body positivity in recent years?

More people are getting tattoos not just for aesthetics but as a way to reclaim their bodies and tell their personal stories. One of the biggest changes is how scars, stretch marks and other “imperfections” are being embraced in tattoo culture. Instead of hiding them, many people are choosing to highlight these features with tattoos. For example with mastectomies, surgeries, or stretch marks, they’ve used tattoos as a way to celebrate their journeys rather than conceal them

Also, more artists are specialising in tattooing on all body types and skin tones, which wasn’t always the case. It’s really refreshing to see a broader representation of people in tattoo media and marketing. 

The body positivity movement has helped shift the mindset from covering up to celebrating. It’s no longer about “fixing” anything, it’s more about embracing who you are, exactly as you are, and using tattoos as a form of self expression.

Do you think there’s a difference between how men and women are perceived when they’re heavily tattooed?

Yes, for sure. Heavily tattooed women tend to be more sexualised than men. Women will often get asked inappropriate questions, for example, “How far does that tattoo go?” or “Are your breasts/nipples/pubic bone tattooed?”. Unnecessary sexual questions asked by strangers (mostly men) that you wouldn’t ask someone normally, especially a stranger. 

Due to older societal gender norms women are judged more heavily for being heavily tattooed. For example, getting comments like, “But you were so pretty before!” or questions about how their tattoos will look when they’re older, things that rarely get said to men.

Have you faced any challenges or criticism as a heavily tattooed woman? How do you handle negativity or trolls on your social media platforms?

I never really get trolls but if I do, I usually just ignore them because people have different opinions. Sometimes I’ll reply with a cheeky comment if they’re rude, but I rarely do that anymore because their opinions of my tattoos don’t matter to me because I love my tattoos. 

How do you want people to feel when they see your content?

@saggysara on Instagram

 I want people to feel seen. Social media has made us compare ourselves to every single person we see online because we only see the highlights of people’s lives on social media. I want to remind them that it’s okay to be human and have flaws and remind them that life isn’t meant to be curated or perfect. 

What advice would you give to someone hesitant to get their first tattoo due to body insecurities?

Every time I’ve gotten a tattoo on a body part that I was insecure about previously, it’s helped me regain confidence. I’d say you’re not alone, so many people feel this way before getting their first tattoo. But one of the beautiful things about tattoos is that they can help you embrace your body rather than hide from it. 

If you’re feeling hesitant, take your time. Many tattoo artists today are incredibly supportive and understand how personal this process can be. A good artist will make you feel comfortable.

Also, try to reframe the way you think about your body. Instead of seeing a tattoo as a way to “fix” something, see it as a way to celebrate yourself. The most important thing is that the tattoo makes you happy. 

Stay Up to Date with Things&Ink

Things&Ink is an online tattoo magazine celebrating female tattoo culture, highlighting some of the most talented women in the industry, and providing a space for their voices to be heard. Stay connected with us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and features! You can view our other blog posts, here.

“The scene is filled with free-thinking, warm and downright cool people” – Continuous Portrait Project

About five years ago, Cameron Rennie bought an analogue camera from a vintage photography shop in his hometown of Edinburgh. He challenged himself to take ten portraits of his mates. They ended up being mostly heavily tattooed people. Seeing their images in black and white, something clicked aesthetically for Rennie. And so The Continuous Portrait Project was born on Instagram. Photos of people connected to the tattoo world, he wanted to capture its beautiful diversity.

Rennie travels all over the UK to meet tattooers to photograph while they chat. And this blog is an extract from Rennie’s brand new book, The Continuous Portrait Project, which is a selection of his favourite photos – along with a blurb of his memories of the meeting – a moment in time, if you will. Dive in and then buy the book…

words and photos: Cameron Rennie


Emily and I met at The Big North Tattoo Show in Newcastle, where she is based. At the time, she was running her brand called Rock & Rose Motel, which focuses on making prints and homeware using traditional American tattoo designs.

Around the time this photo was taken, Emily was beginning her apprenticeship at Blind Tiger Tattoo. If her designs from Rock & Rose are anything to go by, I’m sure she will make a fantastic tattooer; her passion and drawing ability are already both there. By the time this book comes out, she’ll be smashing it!


Jade’s roots in tattooing are grounded and traditional, which makes her work accessible and accommodating of so many different styles. There’s a real celebration in her work of all styles and interests, and I think this is a great reflection of who Jade is.

Jade’s ability to speak openly and honestly about issues faced in tattooing from underrepresented communities is considered and poignant. It’s been noticed by other outlets as well, as she’s taken to podcasts and panel discussions to continue these important discussions. This, combined with her huge personality, makes her an outstanding person to hang out with. She’s an asset to tattooing and symbolises what is so special about the UK tattoo scene.


Kat Hardy is a tattooer in Bangor, Northern Ireland, who runs the studio Four Oracles Tattoo. Her style blends neotraditional tattooing with dark and romantic elements. She’s also known as a go-to tattooer for rockstars, having tattooed numerous punk musicians. Not only does she tattoo the band members themselves, but she also has a real talent for creating designs that sympathetically reference the music and lyrics.

We opted to take Kat’s portrait in the grounds of Belfast’s botanical gardens. Kat came to meet me with her partner Eion, who I also found an instant connection with. While the shots of her on her own are stunning, I chose this image of the couple together – not only is it a fantastic shot, but it also serves as a reminder of a wonderful time.


Nikki is a Desi tattooer and motorbike enthusiast from London. We met at Regents Park on a scorching summer day, to talk about life, tattooing, and everything in between. When talking about the stigma of tattooing, I felt privileged to hear Nikki’s journey into tattooing and the struggles she has endured to follow her dream.

As our conversation deepened, I spoke about my experiences and thoughts on how I feel there is an unseen force that steers me to meeting certain people. Nikki told me how, in Indian culture, a person’s true purpose is also known as Dharma. This conversation also felt that it had been ‘steered’, as it was at a point in the project where I finally knew what I was put here to do. Although our conversation was brief, it was incredibly deep and meaningful.


After initially meeting Rizza at the Brighton Tattoo Convention, we arranged to meet up for these photos in Glasgow, at her studio Shadow Work. Rizza is a truly special person, not only in her artistry but also as an avid campaigner in highlighting issues experienced by people of colour within the context of tattooing. In addition to this tireless and emotionally-labouring work, Rizza gave critical feedback and took the lead on developing the exhibition Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed, Reclaiming the Narrative in 2022, to include the representation of people of colour.

Rizza is a deep thinker and someone I find very easy to get lost in conversation with. This photo was taken while her friend and fellow tattooer Lord Montana Blue was guesting with her. I was lucky enough to capture them in the midst of tattooing each other; I hope what I captured shows their mutual respect and admiration.

You can order the book from: kntpublishing.bigcartel.com/product/the-continuous-portrait-project

Launch party on Weds 5 Feb at Flamin’ Eight in Camden, London, info on Instagram

“This is the story of teaching myself to tattoo in the male-dominated environment of the 1980s – when women were not welcome in tattoo shops,” tattoo artist Pym Avery

Pym Avery started tattooing back in the ’80s. She wasn’t welcome. It didn’t stop her. She’s still tattooing now, although not fulltime. She’s just written a book, Show Time, documenting the decades of her life that she dedicated to teaching herself to tattoo. Breaking down barriers along the way. This is her story…

“I started tattooing on the road in Europe in 1987, when I was 19 years old. I’ve since travelled all over the world and worked in many places; it has been one long and amazing adventure. In that time, I watched the tattoo trade evolve from a shadowy ill-respected environment to a multi-billion-dollar industry.”

“There were only a few women tattooing during the ‘80s and ‘90s, mostly in North America. I met one of those pioneers, Madame Vyvyn Lazonga, in Seattle in the early 2000s and she suggested that I should write a book about my early days. At the time, I thought that no one would read such a story, but the seed stayed in my mind until 2024 when I decided to stop talking about writing a book and just do it.

First known photo of Pym tattooing. Festival de la Sainte Anne,France 1992.
Photo credit Rafael Helle

“It was hard to get away from my daily grind and all its distractions but I found an opportunity house-sitting for friends on a remote island in the Caribbean where I didn’t know anybody and spent three weeks immersing myself in the memories of the ‘80s and ‘90s – the ‘Golden Age’ of tattooing as some call it – and putting it all down in black and white.  

“Trying to find a title wasn’t easy, but I settled on Show Time because that was always what I called going to work; game face, even if you are not quite feeling it! It also fit well with the carnival and convention scenes that I worked in during that time. I then self-published the book using independent small businesses. 

Tattooing at a motorcycle rally in Northern Germany 1992

Show Time is the story of teaching myself to tattoo in the male-dominated environment of the 1980s in Europe – when women were not welcome in tattoo shops. I became interested in learning to tattoo in 1987 after I met a traveling tattoo artist in the South of Spain, who informed me that women do not do tattoos when I asked him to teach me. I was very curious about both the ability to earn money from art while travelling and why women would not be able to do it.  

German convention 1995

“At that time the tattoo scene, such as it was, was the domain of bikers and ‘manly men’ and there were indeed very few females practicing the art. It was almost impossible to learn any information about it without being connected, and very impossible to buy supplies as there were so few tattooers that everybody knew everybody else or at least knew of them. There was no internet or social media, and only a handful of suppliers worldwide. Orders were made by phone and arrived weeks later. Apprenticeships were almost impossible to find, the tattoo trade and its secrets were heavily protected against infiltration by rank outsiders; you had to know someone who knew someone.  

“It was a huge challenge, and I was determined to rise to it, but once I had acquired the necessary equipment to do the job, I would find out that the general public did not think that women could do tattoos either.  

Newspaper article from a Swiss convention 1995. ‘A man’s profession.’

“Traveling in Europe tattooing out of my small van, I finally managed to find a way to break the ice and was loosely adopted by the Feria or carnival which made the rounds of Southern Spain each year. After tattooing with the Feria for a while, I made my way into tattoo shops and access to the information I needed to round out my tattooing ability.

“As my career evolved, I became a part of the ‘90s international tattoo convention scene, which was a superhighway of information and learning, as well as the time at which tattooing began to break out of the Dark Ages and become a recognised art form worldwide. I opened my first tattoo shop in Germany in 1995. 

Pym and Titine Leu. Convention in Lausanne circa 1995

“The book itself, aside from being my personal story, is intended to be an inspiration for anybody wanting to become a tattoo artist despite all the pitfalls. The fact that the equipment and the necessary information for using it properly is now widely available does not bypass all the personal struggles, the challenges of dealing with the client’s expectations, or the self-employed aspects of the business. I wanted to give that perspective from my point of view, despite the fact that times have changed so radically. I think it is still valid. I also wanted to mention the women who had come before me, because I know that what they had to deal with was incrementally harder than what I faced, and I feel that we all owe them a lot of respect for that.  

“When tattoo conventions became popular in Europe in the 1990s, there were only a few female tattoo artists working at them, and we experienced a lot of disrespect from both sides of the booth. TV, radio, and newspaper interviews began to focus on the female tattooers and then we became published in magazines, and finally the disrespect began to melt away. It took a lot of determination and thick skin, but by the mid ‘90s, women had their own shops and were finally being recognised for their contribution to the trade.  

With Arno and Xed LeHead at Red Dragon Tattoo, Neustadt, Germany 1998

“As the internet began to become accessible to all, bridges could be built more easily across the world, and the barriers to women in the tattoo business as well as its overall male stranglehold began to come down quickly. The advent of TV shows about tattooing and the popularity of Kat Von D saw a dramatic increase in the numbers of women in the trade in the early to mid 2000s and I suspect encouraged a lot of the new generation of women, who were young girls at the time. My book does not cover any of this more recent time period as I left Europe in 2000 and moved to the United States, which seemed like a good point to finish that part of the story.  

“Times and tattooing have definitely changed exponentially since the “Last Century.” I think for older tattoo artists, it is hard to stay relevant in this modern world dominated by social media, but I do feel that we can learn from the new generation in the same way that they can learn from us, through the exchange of ideas and a good communication base, which is now so much easier to achieve than the pre-internet days.

“I hope to change the direction of some of the narrative about Gatekeepers, which is becoming more prevalent on the internet by highlighting a lot of what my generation of tattooers went through to learn the tattoo trade with no easy access to information and equipment and explain what actual Gatekeeping looked like back then. There is very little comparison between how it was to get into tattooing then and now, but we are, after all, doing the same thing with the same goals.  

Sacramento, CA 2017. Photo credit James Novaes

“To me, the 1990s changed tattooing in the most substantial way, taking it to new levels and a fresh public perspective. Tattoo artists of the time tried, tested and investigated many different avenues of what tattoo machines could do in the skin and forged a solid path. That research and application opened the doors to many and varied machine types, needle groups, colours, techniques, and styles. Artists with college degrees and different perspectives have now taken it to a whole new level.  

“As for myself, I still work in all styles, as I have done since day one, so it is interesting to observe the evolution of it all and I am curious to see what the next decade brings. I do not tattoo full time anymore outside of conventions and guest spots, due to the toll that tattooing has taken on my body; it is real, folks! Look after your back and your hands!”

Pym with the first proof of her book, 2024

Signed copies of Show Time are available from showtimebook.bigcartel.com. Printed version, eBook as well as audiobook can be found online anywhere you get your books!  

Tattoos honouring a mother’s love

A mother’s love is said to be unconditional – an unbreakable bond like no other. Something so meaningful it needs to find a home permanently on your skin in ink. Editor Rosalie chats to tattoo artists and collectors about their mother tattoos and the stories behind them…

Tattoo artist Zipporah Hunt (@tattoosbyzipporah)

Tattoo by @tattoosbyzipporah

“I’ve done quite a few mother and daughter portraits now. They have become more and more popular. It’s lovely to see a design come to life that represents a mother and child’s love.”

” I have a baby girl on the way and I will be looking for someone to create something similar for me when the time comes. It’s been lovely tattooing while pregnant. It’s nice to hear positive birth stories from my customers. I’ve not got a tattoo to represent my own mum but if I did it would be something expressive yet minimalistic.”

Tattoo by @tattoosbyzipporah

Tattoo artist Hollie West (@hollietoldmeto)

“This tattoo is definitely a favourite of mine. It’s on a woman who got in touch with me and kindly travelled to get this special tattoo, she wanted to commemorate the feeling of motherhood and love for her two children.”

Tattoo by @hollietoldmeto

“This tattoo experience was lovely, we got on really well and found we spoke a lot about our motherhood experiences – I do that with a lot of women I tattoo (and men, although I tattoo a lot less of them, the conversation generally moves to parenthood). It always makes me reflect on my own experiences, it’s nice to compare notes and swap stories and listen to other parents about their lives and how their children fit into it. I love listening to people’s birth stories too, if they’re happy to talk about it. “

“When it comes to tattooing women, as a mother, it can also bring up occasions when customers talk about their own struggles to conceive or even trying to figure out whether they want children or not too.”

Tattoo on @hollietoldmeto

“I had both of my children’s names tattooed on my hands not long before returning to work, so it felt like I had them with me even when we were apart”

Tattoo collector Corinne

“In 2013, I had an ectopic pregnancy. I’d been trying to get pregnant for a while and after waking one night in excruciating pain I was rushed into hospital where I found out I was finally pregnant, but unfortunately it was ectopic. Not long after I had the lyrics: ‘there is a light that never goes out’ tattooed on my side, because that’s how it feels when you lose a baby. At the time, I only had a few tattoos, so I just went to a guy in town to have it done and it wasn’t great.”

Tattoo by @suflanda

“But I started getting tattooed more and more, and discovered so many amazing artists. A few years later, I was lucky enough to get tattooed by Susanne König (@suflanda) and after two tattoos from her I knew I wanted her to do a new tattoo in memory of the baby I lost. I really clicked with Susanne and I have loved everything I’ve ever seen her draw so I knew she’d create the most beautiful tattoo for me.

“I emailed her with my idea, but for the most part left it up to her – I feel you get the best art when the artist isn’t too constrained. When I saw the drawing it was more beautiful and special than I could ever have imagined. I couldn’t get over the expression she’d captured in the mother’s face.”

Tattoo and book by @suflanda

“It’s my most favourite and meaningful tattoo and I’m so happy I got it from a wonderful woman. I went on to have a baby through IVF in 2017, my daughter loves it and she thinks the baby is her.”

“I guess really it’s just the perfect depiction of a mother’s love for the babies we have and the babies we have lost”

Tattoo artist Alice Boullin (@alicepeppatattoo)

“My client, Molly, sent Klimt’s The Three Ages Of Woman as a reference – as well as some other tattoos inspired by the original artwork. She asked for an overall softer look and was open to interpretation in my style. We focused on the embrace as this was an important nod to my client’s mum who passed away a few years ago. I don’t often base tattoos solely off an artists’ work, but I really enjoyed re-imagining this one.”

“I am heavily inspired by renaissance and baroque artists, particularly when it comes to designing pieces based on Greek and Roman mythology. This was a really lovely thing to tattoo – it made me think of the unique kind of love that exists between a parent and their child. I really wanted to capture tenderness in the mother’s expression and a feeling of safety and comfort for the child – I hope I did that.”

Molly’s tattoo by @alicepeppatattoo

Tattoo collector Molly

“My mum died of cancer when I was a teenager and the tattoo represents that everlasting maternal love between mum and baby. Love that endures even if mum or child has passed away. The tattoo is permanent to remind me that I still embody that love – I am tied to her even though I can’t reach out and touch her anymore. The Klimt painting was just inspiration and Alice captured the embrace perfectly.”

“My mum was the most amazing selfless woman and if I had to choose my mum again, I would choose her”

Tattoo collector Cicely Jackson (@cicely.rae)

“My mum and mother tattoos were both done by @shedwolf in Huddersfield, my hometown. I wanted a tattoo that would serve as an everyday reminder of my mum, who sadly died in 2005, and I love how special the tattoo looks.”

“My mum tattoo is actually a matching tattoo that I got with my sister, in honour of what would have been our mum’s 60th birthday. It felt like such a celebration getting this tattoo together and for an event that would have been such a big one to celebrate if my mum were still alive.”

Tattoo by @shedwolf

“I had wanted my knuckles tattooed for so long but I always felt like it was such a huge commitment, and I really wanted to find a word that fit my knuckles and also meant a lot to me”

“I love my MOTHER tattoo so much, as it combines my love for being a mum, as well as honouring the mum I lost. I have always wanted to be a mum, and when my daughter was born it gave me that mother/daughter connection that I had been missing for so long. I really feel like this tattoo represents that.”

“I got my mother tattoo before Mother’s Day and that felt like a real treat to me. A lovely day of self care getting a tattoo that meant so much to me as a mum and as a daughter.”

Tattoo by @shedwolf

“Both the kewpie tattoos for my children were done by @wolfspit in Manchester. I have always loved Jemma’s kewpie baby tattoos and knew I would get one once I had a baby of my own. We put so much thought into naming our kids and both hold such strong meanings, I love that Jemma could work that into the designs.”

Tattoo by @wolfspit

“My son is called Abel Wolfe so his tattoo includes him cuddling a baby wolf. My daughter is named after Lilith, the first woman on earth who was banished from Eden, and rumour has it she returned as the snake that tempted Eve, so her tattoo includes her sliding down a snake. These tattoos mean so much to me and I love that they are pride of place on my arm.”

Tattoo by @wolfspit

“I am so happy with my current collection for my mum and my children, I don’t have any plans set in stone for anything else. Although my daughter does keep doing some really cute drawings of flower fairies and I’m so tempted to get one in a little gap. Both the kids have some phrases that me and my husband really love and we have discussed getting a matching one related to that.”

Read more about Cicely’s beautiful tattoo collection here.

Tattoo artist Hollie (@hollielimertattoo)

“This was my customer Alisia’s first tattoo to commemorate the birth of her first baby, Everly. Alisia sent me a photo of her holding Everly in this position, as well as a few other mother and baby references she liked. Alisia specified this hairstyle as that’s how she wears hers. The flowersare cherry blossom, which is Everly’s birth flower. It’s always special when someone trusts me with their first tattoo but this felt even more special. I’ve done a few mother and baby tattoos and I always love translating someone’s memories into something they’ll wear forever.”

Alisia’s tattoo by @hollielimertattoo

Tattoo collector Alisia

“This was my first tattoo and the experience was great. Hollie made me feel relaxed offering lots of breaks if needed. I wanted someone to represent my first daughter and our bond, I always wanted a tattoo but really wanted something with meaning.”

“My daughter had colic at a young age and was very uncomfortable and upset a lot as a baby. This position used to always comfort her and soothe her and to this day it’s a position that makes her feel safe and comforted. It just reminds me of my little girl as a baby.”

Tattoo artist Taryn McElvany (@tarynmce_tattoo)

Tattoo by @tarynmce_tattoo

“The client was wanting to celebrate her own journey through motherhood and breastfeeding. She was great to work with and gave me the general idea and let me run with the artwork. I really enjoyed getting to make this piece for her. I have three daughters and it reminded me of those sweet moments when they were babies.”

Tattoo artist Melanie Milne (@melaniemilnetattoos), Hot Copper Studio, Melbourne, Australia

“I’ve done quite a few mother and baby tattoos, I love connecting with clients over being a mother/parent. Children are the most important thing in most parents’ lives and it makes sense you’d want to get a tattoo to immortalise that.”

Tattoo by @melaniemilnetattoos

“This tattoo’s story (above) is that the client is a friend of mine who has given birth to three babies and is now done having kids. She wanted to express her love of being pregnant and bringing humans into the world. Birth is so magical and transformative.”

“Being a mum has changed a few things for me in terms of tattooing. I have less free time so I have to be more efficient getting my drawings done and making sure I’m home in time for bedtime. Tattooing used to be my main priority but that has changed now.”

“I also think being a parent makes you softer, I’m definitely more affected by people getting memorial tattoos, especially for their children or just hearing stories of loss or fertility struggles”

“My wonderful friend Sera Helen made me the most beautiful tattoo of a charm necklace with my son’s name OZZY on my neck. I got it on my first Mother’s Day so it was very special. I’m pregnant with my second baby now, due in July, so I’ll have to come up with something for them as well.”

Melanie & Ozzy

“Ozzy is 14 months, he hasn’t really noticed any difference between tattooed and non-tattooed people yet. I’m sure it won’t be long. My husband and I are both pretty heavily covered so I’m sure there will be questions in a few years.”

If you love finding out about the people behind the tattoos read our latest blogs:

Apprentice love: Emily Roberts aka tv dinner tattoo

Emily Roberts (she/her) apprentices at Cock A Snook in Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne. You might know her as tv dinner tattoo (@tvdinnertattoo), here we about her “ignorant” designs, her journey into the tattoo world and her hopes for the future…

You grew a large social following through your art and flash designs before you were tattooing. Can you tell us about this? 

I started my account in 2022 – the goal was to find an apprenticeship and get into tattooing as a career. To get my name and designs out there, I was determined to draw and post every day to help me find my audience. The support from my followers gave me great motivation to keep searching for a placement and improving my drawing until I eventually find my place at Cock A Snook. 

How did you become a tattoo apprentice? When did you start? 

My account was still new when my now mentor sent me a lovely message about my profile and gave me some words of encouragement to keep pushing and building my portfolio. At the time, they already had an apprentice so there no space for me, but one year later I got a message asking if I’d like to come into the studio to see it and have a talk about a possible apprenticeship opportunity. It all went amazingly and I officially started my apprenticeship in June of 2023.

What inspires your designs? 

I look to my personal interests for inspiration – I find enjoyment in drawing things I’m passionate about. For example, I look back to things I remember from my childhood or I’ll be inspired by a favourite film, song or video game. I also like to look to the ordinary and turn everyday objects into silly designs.

How would you describe your style? 

Ignorant blackwork with some illustrative thrown in there.

What’s the studio like where you’re working? 

The studio is an absolutely amazing space to work and hang out in. All of the artists I work alongside are so supportive and helpful and it’s somewhere I can openly be myself without fear of being judged. Cock A Snook always stood out to me as a studio, even before I found my place there, as it strives to be a safe and inclusive space that is welcoming to everyone.

We’re huge fans of tattoo artist Kezz and the work she does under Tattoo Smarter, is she mentoring you?

Yes, Kezz works as my mentor and has taught me an insane amount about all areas of being a tattoo artist as there is so much to learn both on skin and off. She is also just an incredibly thoughtful, kind and caring person who wants to improve tattooing for the better for artists and clients alike. 

What’s been your favourite thing you’ve learnt so far? 

I think trying out and learning how to use different types of tattoo machines was so fun and informative but I also love the satisfaction of being able to pull a crispy bold line. I’m constantly learning so my answer is always changing…

What’s a day in the life as an apprentice like for you?

During a typical day, I get to the shop and do some of the shared studio cleaning jobs and then start getting set up and ready for whatever I’m tattooing. Any spare time I have inbetween is spent drawing and catching up on admin as well as all the behind the scenes stuff that goes into the job.

When I have time I also like to record “Day in the Life” videos for my social profiles to show off specifically what I get up to as an apprentice. Now that I’m getting progressively faster at tattooing, I sometimes tattoo three clients in a day which is great practice! I also tend to ask a lot of different questions during a day so I can learn new things to help me progress in my journey.

Do you help set up for other artists?

Before I ever went near a tattoo machine, I used to set up my mentor Kezz’s station as much as possible. Repeating the steps I was shown repeatedly was so useful in teaching me the ways to assemble and disassemble a station correctly. There have also been times where artists have been running a bit behind so I’m more than happy to set up for them and help out wherever I can!

What drew you to the tattoo world?  

I’ve been fascinated by tattoos since I was a child and I always knew I wanted to get tattooed myself. Even as a kid, I talked about wanting to become a tattoo artist but didn’t think I’d ever get there. Outside of that, I also just think carrying a permanent piece of art with you through life on your skin is the coolest practice.

What’s your first memory of tattoos or tattooing? 

My grandad had a very old-school traditional swallow tattoo on his upper arm, which I remember being obsessed with when I was small – probably because he was the only person in my whole family with a tattoo. A few years ago, I got a swallow tattoo on my arm to match in his memory. 

Can you tell us about your own tattoo collection? 

I started getting tattooed just after my 18th birthday and now I have 21 tattoos in total by many talented artists from up and down the country. I’d say my favourite tattoos are probably my matching glittery knee webs by @keelyglitters. They’re just stunning and have helped me feel so much more confident about myself and the area they’re tattooed on.

What does the future look like for you? 

My main goal is to continue learning and growing as an artist. In the short time I’ve been an apprentice, I’ve seen great growth in my art and in myself as a person, which I hope continues as I make my way. In the long term, I’d love to be able to guest spot at other studios as well as take part in tattoo conventions and other events. I’m just super excited to see what’s next and where this journey takes me.

Make sure to follow Emily (@tvdinnertattoo) on her tattoo journey and get booked in.

We’re always sharing our favourite tattoo apprentices on the blog, read more interviews here.