Pack up your troubles.
A suitcase for Mother Mary who likes to travel.
Photo: fuckyeahtattoos
Get your tat out – sunny Sunday in Camden.
This beautiful little tattoo belongs to my friend la la Luna, this photo was taken as we enjoyed a Sunday afternoon afternoon beverage in Lock 17 (very much pre-drunkeness).

Three bottles of wine later, after talk of getting tattooed (hearts behind ears and keys of friendship), we staggered and swayed over to the Lock Tavern, to have a boogie to the sounds of SBTRKT. Shots and double rums were consumed in abundance – only a pound extra coos the curly-haired handsome chap behind the bar and how could we refuse?
We make ourselves comfortable round a very sociable table and chat with a lovely lad by the name of Ming. As he passes me a sambuca – of the flaming variety – I notice a lovely little inked treble clef on this hand (note the sambuca-filled background that is making my stomach churn as I type).
The tattoo was done by the guitarist of Skunk Anansie 12 years ago in Camden Lock, so a pretty cool story behind it too.
And so the night ended with take away, taxis and talk and all I have to show for the evening is a hangover and about 2p in change, oh and a blog post so enjoy and I hope your Monday isn’t as hangover hazed as mine…