…even when Mondays are difficult.
Wishing my toes were dipping in the sea.
Tuesday is a new day.
Photo: source unknown
Embracing female tattoo culture
Inspiration can come from anywhere. Even the most mundane of objects.
Learn how to write on your skin.
With writing comes enlightenment.
Photos: livejournal and itouchthings
Tattoos: Dyun
Dear Diary,
Please can I have these tattoos for Christmas? I have been a very good girl and I deserve some beautiful art.
Thanks very much,
Alice Th’ink
PS Father Christmas if you’re listening, taking notes and possibly learning how to tattoo that would be great.
Photo: Fuck Yeah, Tattoos!
Right side, key (for the bluebird that wants to get out).
Left side, anchor (for when I leave and when I stay).
Show your commitment with a love tattoo (if you dare).
(click on image to enlarge)
In Love With You – well I guess the you could be anyone…even you!
Not as daring as front of finger….
I love that they picked different fonts. Matching, but with their own twist.
What the heart once owned. it shall never lose.
Follow me and I’ll follow you (hopefully not in a stalker way!)
Growing old together.
Photos: source unknown