Cut and paste, don’t rub me it’s fake

Cut and PasteDon’t rub me it’s fake.

Where do you wear art forever? 

Try before you buy…

Think about art you like or make your own art, then put a transfer of it on your skin and see how it looks.

heart graphic

I rarely go off the art that hangs on my wall in the same fickle way I toss a pair of shoes or a skirt into my great crate of former loves (the deepest, darkest caverns of my wardrobe). This is why tattoos should never be seen as a fashion fad, don’t get a tattoo to accessorise your latest favourite outfit (unless it’s fake).

Go on then take it easy
Go on then take it easy
Art on skin
And on the skin...

Art hangs on my wall, always loved.  The same way tattoos sit on my skin. Invest in tattoos as you would in art – only get it if you love it. Until one day it becomes part of you, sometimes unnoticed, until you meet someone new and they comment (positively or otherwise). Obviously one piece of art cannot be loved by everyone, it’s subjective, but that’s the beauty of it. And as long as you love it, who cares?

Pink Graphic
Pink graphic on the skin

All photos are taken from the beautiful book Tattoo Icons • Victionary 3 (Limited edition). This book inspires you to think about tattoos and art beyond their tradional boundaries. Think of tattoos as more than just anchors, flowers, butterflies and tribal bands and have fun and experiment with transfers to see how they change when they are put on the body.

Beverly the beaver
Beverly in the bath

Photos: Tattoo Icons (removable tattoos for trial included)

Tattoo artist – Kim-Anh Nguyen

Kim-Anh is a 22-year-old girl, who lives in a little town in Geneva (Switzerland) called Carouge. She loves tattooing, drawing, watercolour painting, books, collecting useless things and travelling.

Kim-Anh Nguyen tattooing
Kim-Anh Nguyen at work

She has created some beautiful, girly tattoos.

Kim-Anh Nguyen kewpie flash sheet
Here is some of her flash - lots of cute kewpie dolls

Kewpie dolls are based on illustrations by Rose O’Neill – they appeared in Ladies’ Home Journal.

Kim-Anh Nguyen kewpie
The kewpie flash on the flesh - come to life
Kim-Anh Nguyen flash
Kim-Anh Nguyen flash - spot the kewpie
Kim-Anh Nguyen flash sheet
More girly flash
Kim-Anh Nguyen tooth tattoo
Quirky little tooth tattoo
Kim-Anh Nguyen tattooed feet
Tattooed feet on blogger -

She will be guesting at the Jolie Rouge in London from 19-24 March. Might have to book an appointment…

All photos from Kim-Anh’s blog

Rachel McCarthy iPhone cover

Rachel McCarthy phone cover

I  recently blogged about my lovely iPhone cover by Rachel McCarthy, and now I have to blog about another beautiful new iPhone cover by Rachel McCarthy. This one’s for my sister.

Olivia with iPhone cover
Olivia with her leaving present

My little sister, Olivia, is moving to Australia this weekend. I couldn’t let her leave without a little gift to remind her of home and as she loved my iPhone cover so much, I got one specially made for her. I guess we’ll be speaking on the phone a lot while she’s away too, so her phone should look pretty if it will always be by her ear.

I simply sent Rachel McCarthy an email describing what Olivia likes and what the gift was in aid of.

Olivia is the gypsy queen of jewellery and has own jewellery brand (Gypsy East) with her friend Emily. She loves vintage treasures and lives in black nail varnish. She is moving to Australia and I would like her to have an iPhone cover as unique as mine. (to remind her of her big sis!)

Thanks Rachel, the iPhone cover you created for my sister is just perfect. I hope she enjoys it while she is away in Australia.

And sis, I will miss you lots. Love you xxx

You can get Rachel to create you an iPhone cover – go to her Etsy shop.

Tattoo project – Jean-Luc Moerman

Ever looked at a painting, model or political figure and wondered where the tats are?

Untitled 'Kate Moss'
Untitled 'Kate Moss'

I often look at bare skin and think what a lovely blank canvas – and clearly so has artist Jean-Luc Moerman. He’s known for the tattoo technique he applies to iconic images in history – from models and political figures to renaissance paintings and the kamasutra.

I would love to speak to him about his motivations for undertaking such an interesting project and how he picks who/what to ink…

Jean Luc Moerman

'Untitled' kamasutra
'Untitled' kamasutra

Jean-Luc Moerman image

'Untitled' Marilyn Monroe
'Untitled' Marilyn Monroe

His work can be viewed on Flickr.