Tattooed Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland gets a rock makeover – with tattoos and Metallica t’shirt.

I couldn’t resist posting this picture. My name is Alice and I love tattoos, it’s perfect.

Rock Alice in Wonderland with tattoos
Tattooed in Wonderland

Photo: Raw Doggin

My beautiful new iPhone case, by Rachel McCarthy

Pretty iPhone case
Pretty iPhone case

I bought this lovely iPhone case from the Brighton Tattoo Convention last weekend. The lovely Rachel McCarthy, from Modern Body Art, makes them and she will make a unique one for you if you order one. She sells lots of other craft-type things and prints, too. Of course her tattoos are amazing and she is another person to add to my list of people I would like to get tattooed by.

Cosmo Blog Awards induced Insomnia

Cosmo Blog Awards induced Insomnia

Dear Diary,

Tonight I read the shortlist for the Cosmo Blog Awards and my early night to get my beauty sleep is out of the window.

For the past month, Cosmo readers, blog followers, friends, family, boyfriends, pets and anyone else forced to click on the link, have been voting for their favourite (and hopefully soon to be award-winning) bloggers. It wasn’t until this evening that the enormity of it all hit me.

I have been up against some stiff competition (THERE’S 11 OTHER BLOGGERS IN THE LIFESTYLE CATEGORY  – and they’re all bloody good), and now I have realised I have to meet all these amazing people tomorrow night at the awards ceremony. Not only that, but I find out if I have won (gracious loser face at the ready) and I also have no idea what to wear (SOMEONE PLEASE DONATE AN AMAZING DRESS TO THE CAUSE!). AND, not forgetting this award is being given by COSMO magazine, one of the best girls’ mags on the planet, a magazine that I read through my teenage years and beyond.

You must follow your heart
You must follow your heart

To ease my mild panic, I have been looking for tattoo inspiration. And, I stumbled across these two beautiful tattoo-inspired artworks. Both are fitting for my situation right now. I can’t sleep and I have always followed my heart when writing this blog.

Th’ink grew out of my passion for tattoos and the lack of realistic inspiration for girls like me who want to get tattooed. I will only blog about the things I love.

Now to sleep (I hope)…

Lots of love

Alice Th’ink


Artwork found on: Soulful Frames