Three episodes. Three months. Three incredible chefs. The link? A true love for tattoos.

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Inksider is a new platform in the tattoo industry. They believe that tattoo is a form of art and that getting inked is an affordable way to have an artwork using your body as a canvas and having your personal diary on skin. Their goal is to give people all the right tools to make a conscious choice, without regretting their tattoo in the future. They handpick the most talented artists to provide you with only quality art.

And for the first in the Chef Series, Inksider has teamed up with Tabl to present huge tattoo fan and celebrity TV chef Gizzi Erskine and internationally renowned artist and designer Mo Coppoletta, owner of the Family Business Tattoo Parlour.

Mo Coppoletta
Mo Coppoletta


Gizzi Erskine has crafted an incredible three-course dinner menu, accompanied by a welcome drink made with the fabulous Brighton Gin and red and white wines by Bottle Apostle.

Experience a night where art meets food and listen to Gizzi and Mo, interviewed by Alice Snape from Things & Ink magazine. Hosted in Mark Hix’s CNB Gallery, the evening will explore the connections between food and tattoos, and how both define our personalities. And if that’s not enough, Inksider will be there to give guests all the right tools to make a conscious tattoo choice and inspire your personalised work of art.

Gizzi Erskine
Gizzi Erskine


The first sitting is on Thursday 25 February at 6:15pm, seats are limited, check out Tabl for info. And the second sitting is at 9pm on the same day, again check out Tabl for more information.



A Chocwork Orange Beer Launch

Last weekend our music writer Amber Carnegie had the pleasure of heading to BrewDog Sheffield to try their latest beer collaboration. Here’s what she got up to… 

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‘A Chocwork Orange’ has been created by BrewDog in Sheffield, and independents Abbeydale Brewery and Skull And Bones Boys Club. A chocolatey pale malt brewed with a focus on citrus fruits and orange peel. The result-  a rich beer with a lasting flavour that left you wanting another pint.


‘A Chocwork Orange’ have nailed it with a chocolate focused beer with none of the artifical taste that you sometimes associate with chocolatey beers. The chocolate notes coming from real cacao nibs and chocolate malts for a moreish flavour that certainly paid off with the first cask selling out in under two hours.

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The launch also gave us a taste of the latest Skull And Bones Boys Club collection with baby pinks, pastel blues and intriguing washes framing the bar. As their brand evolves so do their pioneering collections, with already iconic products such as chopping boards and straight razors who knows what SABBC will be adding to their portfolio next.

Find out where you can try ‘A Chocwork Orange’ here.

Interview with Kirsten Holliday

30-year-old Kirsten Holliday tattoos out of Wonderland Tattoo in Portland, Oregon and creates beautiful botanical tattoos with a muted colour pallet. We chat to Kirsten about the things and people that inspire her… 


Photo  taken by Adrian Whipp of Lumiere Tintype in Austin

How long have you been tattooing? Five years, not including my apprenticeship!

How did you get started? I’ve wanted to tattoo since I was 16! I finished college and was studying for the GREs to try to get into a PhD track program in rhetoric and writing and realized I was chasing my second choice profession in which there were no jobs. I packed up my car and moved to Portland without really looking at the insane licensing process here, but I lucked into an apprenticeship at a shop rather than one of Oregon’s infamous schools. I learned from Melanie Nead, who used to own Icon Tattoo here in Portland. I just showed up with an armload of framed work and threw myself upon her mercy! I’m super grateful to have learned there.

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What drew you to the tattoo world? I started getting tattooed by Scott Ellis, who now owns Triple Crown Tattoo Parlour in Austin, Texas. I think that cemented my feelings that tattoo shops were places I wanted to be; I loved being in the middle of a shop where people were talking and joking and having conversations about art. It had (and still has) such a feeling of community. I get to work there when I go home now, which is such an honor and still kind of intimidating in the best possible way.

What did you do before? The usual mishmash of college jobs. I worked at Starbucks, I worked at a law office as a legal assistant and a runner, I worked at a gelato shop.

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Do you have a background in art? My grandmother Betty Jo was a watercolour artist and started me drawing from still life when I was two, and I took high school art. I was fortunate to have an incredible art teacher in high school. Other than that, not really!

What do you like to draw and tattoo? I think my portfolio speaks to that – botanical and naturalistic work, animals, lady heads. I​​ love doing American traditional tattoos, too, though I haven’t been doing as much of that in the last few years.

How would you describe your style? Illustrative, with roots in American traditional


What inspires you? Vintage science and botanical illustrations, vintage postcards, traditional tattoos, the world around me. The Pacific Northwest is such a beautiful, ecologically diverse place and that certainly influences all the work that comes out of Wonderland.

Are there any artists you admire, do they influence your work? I’m super lucky to work with really talented artists at Wonderland – Alice Kendall (who has been making incredible botanical tattoos for years in this town), Sean Wright, and Alice Carrier. I think we all influence each other a lot. Joey Ortega at Triple Crown has been a friend and mentor for years and his work is a huge influence on me. Josh Stephens in Richmond does such unique, strong floral work. I’d love to do more large work, so right now I’ve been specifically looking at a lot of large work compositions, too.


Can you tell us about your own tattoos? I have mostly piecework. I have one large piece from knee to armpit on my right side by Joey Ortega and the rest is mostly pieced together. The most recent tattoo I got was from my friend Alena Chun at Icon, who is amazing. It’s a cat and a skull on my kneecap inspired by a Kuniyoshi print – we saw an exhibit together in Paris in October and it was so inspirational. We traded Kuniyoshi tattoos afterward; I did the samurai frog I included in my photos on her. I have a lot of tattoos from Silje Hagland at Scapegoat (we used to be room mates!), a couple from Atlas here in Portland, four or so from Sean Lanusse at Blacklist. I have a ton of small to medium sized tattoos from a ton of people. I did get tattooed by Eckel last year, which was such a dream! ​

Film Review: Deadpool

Our resident film reviewer is writer Harry Casey-Woodward who will be sharing his opinions on things he has watched…

Deadpool, dir Tim Miller, 3/5

As I’m not a fan of superhero movies, I feel we are saturated with them at the moment. Not only is every conceivable Marvel and DC character being dredged up for adaptation but we are going through an era of multi-superhero films. Franchises like The Avengers are teaming superheroes up and pitting them against each other, criss-crossing story lines in a vast blockbuster market consuming web.


We’ve got Captain America: Civil War, Suicide Squad and Batman vs Superman all coming out this year, and even superhero sequels for next year are being hyped up. It’s like Marvel and DC are in a furious race to get as many characters and storylines up on screen as possible and I’m getting sick of it. I feel like more than ever we need an antihero.
Cue Deadpool. I haven’t read the original comics but I have seen one panel where he shoots dead someone just for admitting they like the Star Wars prequels. After seeing his movie, to me this is a good summary of both the character and the film. There’s humour, violence and more pop culture references than you can shake a stick at. And more violence.

In short, Deadpool could be the first adult Marvel film. I don’t mean that in an erotic sense (although there are fair dollops of nudity) but it’s the only movie about a Marvel character I can think of that doesn’t hold back with the jokes, the swearing or the explicit violence. Often it combines all of these, especially in scenes where Deadpool gleefully dispatches henchmen in a variety of comically gruesome ways.
So yes the film is crude and savage but it’s also smart. It’s refreshing to watch a superhero cracking self-aware jokes not just at the idea of being a superhero but at other superhero movies. Many of these jokes are aimed at Hugh Jackman, which I relished after having to watch him in so many bad X-Men sequels. There were even stabs at Ryan Reynolds, the actor playing Deadpool, so try and get your head around a character making fun of the actor playing him. As for Reynolds’ performance, I think it’s the best I’ve seen out of him. He’s clearly in his element playing a wisecracking anti hero and having immense fun with it.
I expected the jokes and the violence. What I didn’t expect were the moments of seriousness underneath. The plot boils down to an ex-special forces man named Wade meeting the woman of his dreams (Morena Baccarin), getting cancer and taking up the offer from a shifty man in a suit of a cure that also gives him the ability to heal from everything else. Unfortunately it also leaves him with all over body scarring, destroying his fine looks. So he straps on some weapons and a costume, becomes Deadpool and rampages after the British sociopathic scientist named Ajax (Ed Skrein) who performed the process and ruined his life. Not only does he want revenge but he also wants the damage reversed so he can have the confidence to face his girlfriend again. As he tells us in the film, this is both a romance and a horror story. You feel sorry for Deadpool as well as laugh along with him. The scenes where he’s struggling with cancer and his relationship are quite touching, even with jokes.

Overall, what we get is a film that joyfully slaps all the clichés of its genre in the face while still taking its story and characters seriously. It’s kind of relaxing to watch a superhero movie that shrugs off the overbearing moral code that oppresses other such films and instead gives us a guy who likes killing people and cracking jokes, which you can kind of understand. Judging by the film’s box office success, this is what people have wanted. It’s fun, it’s different, it’s outrageous and it comes with a pumpin’ soundtrack. Plus we finally get a comic book character who sees the hilarity in wearing a skin-tight latex costume.

Corazón Loco

Asenet Ramirez founder of Corazón Loco, creates sugar skull figurines in Barcelona, she paints each unique pieced by hand. We chatted to her to find out where she gets her inspiration from as well as her love of tattoos…

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When did you first start making the skulls?  I started to make skulls after my first trip to Mexico. A year after my holiday I moved to Oaxaca in Mexico.

What inspires you? I love the people of Mexico, the colours, and the culture. This environment is the source of my inspiration. I’d say I’m an artisan, all of my work is related to Mexican folk culture. I’m naturally curious about different ways of life and I love tattoos. I’m also inspired by the work of people I admire. While I’m working on a skull I’m think about the next one,no two are alike!


Where can we buy them?  People can purchase a skull by contacting me on Instagram, Facebook, or by email ( I also have stands at tattoo conventions or come and find me at  LTW Tattoo Studio in Barcelona. I make different size skulls, headbands, dolls, altars, tote bags and t-shirts .


When did you get your first tattoo and what was it? I get my first tattoo in Bugs Tattoo London 26 years ago, It was and ace of spades with two skulls. I look at my tattoo and remember being in the moment and the joy I felt.  I love everyone of my tattoos, and the memory of all of them.

Do you have any future plans to get tattooed? There’s always a tattoo in progress…


Pictures were taken by Pol Vila and make up by Andrea Alvarez