Interview with our transgender beauty shoot model

Our most recent beauty editorial ‘Vanitas’ features a transgender model, and is a slightly darker addition to The Fruity Issue, focusing on the notion of ‘forbidden fruit’ and the symbolism behind it. Our model Alex’s unusual fantasy-themed tattoos caught our eye, and we wanted to explore his masculinity in an unconventional way. We recently caught up with him to get some feedback about his first photo shoot experience, working with Things & Ink, his opinions about transgender issues in the media, and his newest tattoo.

Alex transgender beauty shoot

‘Vanitas’ features in The Fruity Issue of Things&Ink, to view the full shoot, order your copy from There is also an interview with Alex about his transition in The Anatomy Issue.

Photographer – Heather Shuker
Photographer’s Assistant – Warren Boyle
Art Direction –  Marina De Salis
Make-up, Hair and Styling – Adrianna Veal
Model – Alex Locke
Custom leather accessories –

When we were on the photo shoot, you mentioned that you’ve previously done a few self-styled shoots. How did you feel about being styled and photographed by someone else? It was great fun! I get nervous and second guess my style choices a lot, I’m never quite sure what will work on me and I lose a lot of time to being anxious about the possibility that a look won’t work. It was nice to be able to follow rather than lead, and to see what other people came up with – I didn’t expect the chilis, for one.

What was your favourite part of the day? It sounds cliche but I genuinely enjoyed the whole day. I did like the points where people were laughing and sharing anecdotes about all the weird moments that go into creating gorgeous photos.

Alex trans beauty shoot

The transgender topic is becoming more and more visible in the media. What do you think the media can do to help people understand transgender issues better? A lot of fear and anger comes from simple misunderstanding and ignorance of the topic of what being transgender is. I’d like there to be more ‘Trans* 101’ type posts where facts are available for people to learn about what being transgender means, and how to respect someone who is transgender.

I’d like there to be a bigger push to show the world at large, just how much violence is committed towards transgender persons and how ‘at risk’ transpersons are for simply choosing to be themselves. It would be great to have more allies out there.

Alex trans forbidden fruits

Do you have any transgender role models? I have a few, mainly people I’ve come to know through shared hobbies or interests. I never consciously looked for role models from the wider world of fame because I guess I wanted to know that people ‘like me’ could change their life path. There’s an element of not really having many ‘visible’ transgender role models in celebrity/stardom until relatively recently as well.

Have you had any new tattoos since the shoot that you would like to share? I do! I was hoping to have my newest piece done far earlier in the year, but I didn’t have the time. It was done by Barry K of Tattoo Crazy (Cambridge, UK), the artwork was drawn by Lucian Stephenson. It’s called ‘Blood on the Moon’ and it’s a combination of a lot of symbols that are significant to me. If anyone ever guesses why then I’ll personally treat them to tea. It took three hours and was done in one sitting; it’s definitely the most painful area I’ve had tattooed so far.



This post is definitely one for the crazy cat ladies and gentlemen, our guest blogger, fashion design and marketing student Phoebe Lloyd being one of them! Here for you viewing pleasure is a collection of her favourite inked felines from some incredible artists… 


Guen Douglas


Dylan Kwok


Cody Eich


Amy Savage2


Sophia Baughan


Abby Drielsma


Abbie Williams


Chris Browning Bintt 2











Our Fruity issue cover star @jodydawber

Jody Dawber

Do you have a cat tattoo? Have we missed off some of your favourite artists? 

Puddings in Film

Our guest blogger is hobbyist film and TV series reviewer and writer Harry Casey-Woodward

The Great British Bake Off is ensnaring everyone in its doughy tendrils and in spirit of all things cake, I’ve been thinking about some of the best scenes in cinematic history involving puds. So in no particular order of preference, here are my choices. I apologise in advance for Matilda not making the list.

Inglorious Basterds (2009) Apple Strudel


Apple Strudel

Who wouldn’t accept an invitation to eat apple strudel? Perhaps not if the invitation came from the “Jewhunter” or Nazi Colonel Hans Landa played by Christoph Waltz and not if you were a French Jewish woman named Shosanna (Mélanie Laurent), whose family Hans Landa had slaughtered. As much as you want to hate him, Hans has all the charm and vocal fluency of a true Frenchman as he politely interrogates Shosanna about her cinema and her background. He also orders her some apple strudel and a glass of milk, which is what he was drinking when he rooted her family out. When the strudel arrives, he realises he forgot the cream. He orders Shosanna in French to wait for the cream in such an absurd comical manner it’s kind of scary. When the cream arrives, there is a hush and an intimate close up of the cream being spooned onto the strudel. This moment gives me goose bumps, not just because it makes me drool but for the quiet moment in such a tense scene. The same thing happens when Hans takes a moment to chew and the sound of his teeth working on the soft flaky pastry is so crisp and clear it makes my hair stand up. Pudding can cause tension.

The Shining (1980) Chocolate ice cream


Ice Cream

One of the spookiest yet most touching scenes involving a dessert, or dessert residue as the bowls the characters talk over look empty. Young Danny Torrance (Danny Lloyd), whose dad has just started the caretaker job at the Overlook Hotel for the winter, has been invited to have ice cream with the hotel chef Mr. Hallorann (Scatman Crothers). The only thing sinister about this is that Mr. Hallorann invited Danny with his mind (probably the scariest invite for ice cream on film). Hallorann then goes on to explain that they can communicate mentally thanks to the special psychic gift they both possess. Danny says it comes from a little boy called Tony who lives inside his mouth. Thus begins a rather delicate conversation in which Mr. Hallorann attempts to explain in child’s words the hotel’s dark past that clings to its walls much as the ice cream residue clings to their bowls, before giving a stern warning not to visit a certain room. The audience, having already been informed of the hotel’s violent history, is given a fresh curiosity. Heavy stuff to discuss over ice cream. What increases the impact of this scene is, like in Inglorious Basterds, there is a lack of soundtrack and background noise, so the softness and menace of the atmosphere is heightened.

Jurassic Park (1993) Jelly



Remember, if you’re ever scoffing puddings with your sister/companion and they’re eating jelly, keep an eye on them in case they stare suddenly over your shoulder and start shaking so much the jelly wobbles on their spoon like an overweight belly dancer. Then would be a good time to scarper as they may have just seen a dinosaur’s silhouette, or a shadow-saurus.

Natural Born Killers (1994) Key lime pie


Key lime pie 

The opening scene of this carnage fest sees our star-crossed psychopathic lovers Mickey and Mallory (Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis) stop off at a diner on their cross-country murder spree. Mickey orders key lime pie while Mallory dances to the juke box. She is harassed by two hot-blooded rednecks and the scene explodes in violent hallucinogenic mayhem, ending in Mallory playing eeny-miny-mo with the two remaining survivors, and it all started with a slice of pie. This scene sets the mood for the rest of the film, as does the sharp but sweet, squishy and sickly green nature of the key lime pie.

Chocolat (2000)… Chocolate, of course



It is night in a sleepy French town, and a Catholic priest played by Alfred Molina freaks out during Lent and sabotages the delicious window display of his most hated chocolaterie. In the midst of his chocolate-smashing frenzy, a fragment brushes his lips and within seconds he’s cramming every chocolate sculpture between his teeth, consumed by a lust for sweetness as if he’s fallen into the lap of some chocolaty prostitute, before breaking down in tears and falling asleep. He is woken in the morning, smothered in brown residue amongst the wreckage, by the concerned chocolatier. We feel for you Father, we feel for you.

Tattoo love story – The Wedding

Almost two years ago, we launched a competition to find the ultimate tattooed love story, we wanted to know if your relationship was linked by ink… (Original comp here.) The winners would receive wedding photography, by Eclection Photography, for their big day.

And the winners were Roxanne And Greg (read their story in this blog post with the other two finalists)… our Things & Ink Tattoo Love Story Wedding Competition Winners. And on Wednesday of this week, they made their commitments to each other in Ink, by getting their wedding fingers tattooed by Alexis Camburn at her studio  Two Snakes Tattoo in Hastings.


Greg and Roxanne designed the ring/tattoo together. The star and the moon simply symbolising that they are each other’s moon and stars. The four dots represent Roxanne, Greg and their two cats (cute!).  Who, btw, will be at the wedding… in the form of cardboard cut outs!

Roxanne was first in the chair and Greg joked: “at least I know the odds of you turning up are pretty high now.” Greg and Roxanne both had their wedding bands tattooed within 30 minutes.  Less time than your average wedding!


We are all very excited over here at Things &Ink HQ,  the wedding of Roxanne and Greg – the Things & Ink Tattoo Love Story Wedding Competition Winners.  They will tie the knot officially today (Friday 28 August) in East London…

Tattoo artist Alexis does lots of wedding band tattoos and people like the freedom to create what they like as opposed to being limited by what your can wear as a ring.  She has tattoeed couple’s  dates,  initials and also made wedding rings from simple bands to extensive patterns.


We will keep you all updated on the big day!



Reading And Leeds Preview 2015


Festivals can be the best opportunities to see bands you never thought you’d see – or discover bands you may never have given a chance. To help you out for Reading and Leeds festivals, we’ve come up with a list of bands who are about to make your weekend. And be sure to keep an eye out for our music writer Amber Carnegie who will be street spotting for our style pages. 


If you haven’t caught them on tour in the past year or heard them on the radio, this weekend is your chance to catch Beartooth. They’ll have you dancing around with some of their massive choruses so give them a go. Believe us, we still have dents in our shoes from the last time we saw them.

The Maccabees

We all know and love The Maccabees but with ‘Marks To Prove It’ only released last month this could be one of the first chances you get to hear those new tracks live.

Black Honey

The mysterious identities behind the band that is Black Honey have always let their music speak for themselves. Let them do that and get lost in their seductive pop this weekend.

Queen Kwong

‘Get A Witness’ is the title track of Queen Kwong’s album due out this month. With a renowned live show it will incredible to witness how this transfers to the festival stage.


We never thought we’d see Alexisonfire again so of course we’re all on some sort of pilgrimage to witness what could be a rare occurrence.


With an incredible array of influences coming through their tracks, Echosmith are undoubtably ones to watch at Reading and Leeds. They have this sweet pop feel with all the hazy undertones you can get lose yourself in.

And So I Watch You From Afar

If you’ve never given instrumental music a chance before this is the time to embrace it. And So I Watch You From Afar will not only blow your mind but their group vocals will have you singing your heart out at the pinnacle of their set.

To help you make it through the weekend check out our Festival Tips and download the Reading and Leeds Festival app for the best updates over the weekend.