Celebrities and Tattoos

Newspapers and the internet are crammed full of celebrities showing off their new tattoos and getting tattooed.

Rihanna flew tattoo artist Cally-Jo to the Dominique Republic to tattoo her hand.

We’ve even spied celebrities doing the tattooing!

Earlier today, after getting tattooed by Lauren Winzer, Miley Cyrus gave Lauren a tattoo. Miley is almost as famous for her tattoos as she is for her music, she frequently tattoos her friends and other tattoo artists including Bang Bang.

Miley’s Hands by Lauren Winzer

Miley's hands by Lauren Winzer


Celebrities are influencing tattoo designs and creating trends in the tattoo world. One of the most famous and replicated tattoos of the moment is Cheryl’s hand (also her bum is also pretty famous too):

What do you think of the rise in popularity of tattoos and celebrities?


Images from


Female Tattoo Artist Show

Earlier in September, we had a stand at The 4th Annual Female Tattoo Artist Show in Leamington Spa.

But we wanted to find out more about the need for an all-female tattoo show, and why it was first set up. So we spoke to one of the organisers at CBA Promotions to find out more, see how the show went for them and if any changes will be made to the convention in the future.

How long has the show been running for and who started it? This was our 4th year of running the show and it was started by Dave Boyle with a lot of help from his team at Creative Body Art in Coventry

Why have you chosen to create a female only convention? Honestly, we just wanted to put on a tattoo show and this was the only thing that had not been done in the UK before. The idea came from a show in the USA that has run for more than 20 years.

Is it at related to sexism in the workplace or the tattoo industry? Do you think it is harder for women to get noticed purely for their work? It is not related directly to sexism, however people would be stupid to think that it doesn’t exist. Even now, in our tattoo studio, we have guys come in and ask the female artists where the tattooist is. We were also told by a female artist one year she was denied applying to work a tattoo show “because they already had enough female tattooists on the list”.

I don’t think it’s harder for female artists to get noticed these days, the tattoo industry has come a very long way in recent years and there are now so many amazing tattooists both male and female. Most studios have a female artist – and so they should, I’ve always had female artists in my studio and long may that continue. I can remember when you could count on one hand how many female owned tattoo studios there were in the UK and now that has changed and it’s totally awesome.

Why was the judging done by three men when it is a female only convention? It wasn’t something we gave a great deal of thought to to be honest, in recent years we have had female judges, but like all tattoo shows we grab what judges we can as it’s not a job everyone wants to do, it usually depends who’s free and available at the time.

The entertainment was very similar to other conventions – dancing girls, pinups etc – why did you pick the same formula? The 1st Annual Female Tattoo Show had a very vintage feel. This theme came from the Art Deco and up-market venue, so the show was born from that. We are only a very small, one-day show and we put a lot of time and effort into the entertainment.

What are your plans for next year? Will you change anything? We are currently in the planing stage idea wise for next year’s show, I don’t think we will change much. We have a few things to address and we learn every year and listen to feedback. We make slight changes every year, for example we reduced the entrance fee this year and allowed children in for free, whereas previous shows have been 18 only. We are looking at reducing the cost of trade spaces too, especially for smaller independent traders.

Was the show a success for you? Any words for people wanting to attend next year? This year’s show for us was a huge success! The number of people who attended was up on last year and we had a huge waiting list of artists wanting to work. We also sold out of tattoo booths three months before the show. Anyone thinking about attending next year’s show definitely should as it’s a great day out. There is lots to do in the local area if people wanted to make a weekend of it, we have Shakespeare’s birthplace just up the road, Warwick and Kenilworth Castle and Coventry Cathedral are all great places to visit. Leamington Spa itself has some lovely shops, cafes and bars.

Photos from Things&Ink and Female Tattoo Show

Liane Plant Illustration

Liane Plant is a 22 year-old illustrator based in London. Liane is also founder of Valkyrie Skates a company that creates more than just skateboard decks but works of art. We chatted with Liane to find out more about her style of illustration. 

Tell us more about your background, did you go to Art College? I went to art college for three years straight out of high school as I knew I wanted to have some involvement in the arts (despite not knowing what that was). The school had a super loose system so I spent three years experimenting, seeing art and reading comics. The artwork of Robert Crumb  and Gary Erskine were a big influence on my work at the early stages. I would draw everyday, experimenting with techniques and materials, but I always preferred working in black and white. This is still the case today.
After college I went on to study graphic design at Central Saint Martins and I moved down to London. I learnt how to screen print and in my final year I helped out at Lovenskate, and I interned at Puck studio, where I was picking up lots of different techniques.  I did a lot of screen printing at Uni and during my internships, I loved the imperfection and tangibility that you don’t find in a digital piece.

What inspires you? I am inspired by artists that make bold graphic images, these include German Expressionists, early 80s skateboard art especially Pushead and Jim Phillips, circus signs, mythology, curiosities and gore from Sci-Fi and horror movies.

What medium do you use to create the work? All my work is hand drawn, scanned then coloured in Photoshop It is then reproduced through screen printing, so I am always working in layers.

Where can people see and buy your work? I’m excited to be involved in the next New Rule collective Horror Show, this Halloween, an illustrated tribute to Classic and B-Movie Horror Cinema.
The show is running October 31st – November 5th at 5th Base Gallery, 23 Heneage street, E1 7LJ.  Come down for some creeping!

I also recently designed a print for the Paradise series ‘Sweet Babylon’ exclusively for Skull and Heart. It is available to buy online, and there are many works from incredible artists including Dan Mumford, Mr Gauky, Ian Mcarthur and Tom J Newell so it’s worth checking out!

In addition to  Valkyrie Skates has an online shop with a range of apparel  and skateboards.

Do you do commissions? The most recent project I have been working on is a Valkyrieskates x 3rd rail collaboration of a Norse beer themed skateboard for the 3rd rail Beer Visions show.

Be sure to check out Liane’s Instagram, Twitter for more awesome illustrations.

Alice’s Pig – crazy is normal

Inspired by vintage style and Alice in Wonderland, Alice’s Pig is a fashion brand from Brixton in South London. Founded in May 2013 by sibling duo Amanda and Nicolai, the clothes are designed around their love for Alice in Wonderland, where crazy is normal. The name is a reminder that colliding styles and cultures can produce something interesting and that there can be beauty and surprise in anything – even in a pig.

View their entire collection on their website, alicespig.com. And take advantage of this exclusive discount code for Things&Ink readers: thingsandink10



Social Media and Break-ups

Breaking-up is painful and complicated at the best of times, but with new technology, social media and websites, it is even harder for people to cut all ties with their ex. A new survey has been released explaining that social media makes breaking up hard to do… (as if we didn’t know that already, yep we have all done the Facebook ‘stalk’.)

The research was independently carried out by OnePoll on 2000 women and commissioned by Pencourage – a female-dominated website, which is completely anonymous. The social network encourages its users to upload 200 words into a private diary each day along with music and videos.

The results are certainly interesting with over one in five women ‘stalking’ their exes online through fake profiles.

  • Just under a third (30%) of women have stayed ‘friends’ with or continued to ‘follow’ exes openly via social networks despite a breakup
  • Close to a quarter (22%) admit to having kept a ‘sneaky eye’ on their activity but only using someone else’s or a fake profile, or when they know the ex won’t be logged in
  • Just under half (48%) cut all ties and block them from social media
  • When asked if they had ever been in touch with exes via social media during a weak (or intoxicated) moment, a little over half (51%) said they would never do that – yet circa one in five (19%) did admit to making contact, and later regretting it
  • A similar proportion (18%) said they had wanted to contact their ex but had been ‘strong enough’ to resist the temptation


artwork from  @emily_rose_murray