ArtBeat – Atomica Gallery on Soho Radio with Things&Ink editor Alice Snape

Alice snape soho radio

If you missed me on ArtBeat on Soho Radio with Holly and Orla from Atomica Gallery, have a listen on MixCloud. We chat about ‘Miniature Ink’ (our upcoming exhibition to celebrate Things&Ink‘s two year birthday), tattoos and art, the beautiful magazines covers and tattoo artists I recommend. Plus there is a competition at the end so listen out to win an Angelique Houtkamp print and a copy of Things&Ink.

Let me know what you think. Listen here.


LondonEdge: A commercial trade show, forging youth-market trends while pushing the boundaries for established sub-culture fashion.

7th-9th September

Business Design Centre, Islington, London. N1 0QH

LondonEdge launched in 2000 is one of the longest serving fashion trade shows around. They showcase the crème de le crème of creative and lifestyle orientated fashion collections, the most exciting ready-to-wear street fashion there is! Representing everyone from fresh young designers to established global brands. The trade show hosts over 250 lifestyle labels including Iron Fist, Alice Takes A Trip, Sourpuss Clothing, Hell Bunny and many more!

Lifestyle-driven and culture-led: they are The New Alternative

Renowned for bucking the trends, LondonEdge is a show that gives brands and designers a platform to showcase their collections to the people that matter.

At this September’s landmark 30th show LondonEdge are holding their first ever “Bloggers meet-up” where guests will be personally introduced to their favourite brands and receive an amazing goody bag from an array of exhibitors!

Don’t forget to register if you want to go to this year’s most exciting trade show!

Things&Ink will also be there on the Sunday, come and say hi to some of our team!

Home Sweet Home – an exhibition at Atomica Gallery

Atomica Gallery presents: ‘Home Sweet Home’ Joint solo exhibitions from Nicholas Stevenson and Angela Dalinger
14th August 2014 – 11th September 2014


 ‘Home Sweet Home’ is a joint exhibition of new paintings from Nicholas Stevenson (UK) and Angela Dalinger (Germany).

The exhibition explores domestic voyeurism as both a whimsical and worrying matter through a series of imaginary homes.

‘Home Sweet Home’ offers a snatched glimpse into a series of imaginary homes. In the exhibition both artists indulge in depicting domestic voyeurism which treads a thin line between the whimsical and the worrying. As we trespass through these residences, we are likely to encounter anything from illegal pets to resident ghosts, wizard’s gardens to troubling personal collections and questionable tastes in decor.

All work is available for sale. The exhibition ends on 11 September, so you still have a week to go see it at Atomica Gallery in Covent Garden, London.


Issue #8 The Illustration Issue cover star revealed – tattoo artist Danielle Rose

The Illustration Issue Danielle Rose cover


Issue #8 The Illustration Issue cover star revealed. 

Tattoo artist Danielle Rose is the face of The Illustration Issue of Things&Ink. Danielle Rose is renowned for her dark and weeping ladies. With a colour palette of black and two accent colours, her work is instantly recognisable and highly sought after by many tattoo collectors. For The Illustration Issue cover, we’ve created something truly unique and special. We did a photo shoot with Danielle, and she illustrated over the top of the images. Then we morphed them into one, turning Danielle into an abstract work of art. The artist has become one with her work, the illustrator has become the illustrated…

Order your copy online now, from Newsstand or our website. Free p&p in the UK.


Photography & artwork
Josh Brandão
Danielle Rose
Hair & Makeup
Keely Reichardt
using MAC Cosmetics
Olivia Snape
Assisted by Nicola Cook
BlitzWerk Studio


We love Sourpuss Housewares

Sourpuss based in New Jersey have a whole range of tattoo-inspired clothes, accessories and homewares on offer to decorate your life. They are an independent company with a hands-on attitude and they stock all the things that make them happy!

It was hard, but we’ve narrowed down our favourites from their wide range of super-cool items…


Flamingo salt and pepper shakers will add a pinch of  50s American Kitsch to any dining table, or they would look great on a shelf surrounded by fairy lights, aw.

Down the hatch me hearties! This mason jar tumbler is great for taking wherever you go.

Manatea tea ifnuser, this little guy hangs onto the edge of your mug, great for loose tea infusions.

What more could you wish for in life than a pillow in the shape of pizza? Lay your head on a slice of heaven after a pizza-fest…


We love the cheekiness of this Jackalope cotton ball holder, adding hilarity and cuteness to your dressing table.

Plus, they ship internationally, yay. Get shopping at