The Love Bomb


You have got just a few days left to see The “Love Bomb” at Pitfifield, London.

Help spread the love and be part of the ongoing struggle for peace!

We spoke with artist Daisuke Sakaguchi who has collaborated with Wendy Meakin, dealer on C4’s Four Rooms to create The “Love Bomb”. Daisuke painted The “Love Bomb” with traditional Japanese symbols of love.

Daisuke Sakaguchi, 33, Artist and Creative Director of THE 27 LIFE, London. 

How do you know Wendy Meakin? why did you decide to work together on the project? 

I graduated from Central Saint Martins University back in 2003. During my studies, one of my most influential lecturers was Wendy Meakin. I had the choice of having other lecturers, but I stuck with Wendy because I was really drawn to the topics that she covered, but I also loved the way she explained them and the style of her teaching. After I graduated, we stayed in touch and naturally became friends. We worked on a few very interesting projects together, but within the last 11 years we always said we’ll do something major together and the Love Bomb is the result – and just the beginning!

What inspired you to create the Love Bomb?

For me, three-dimensional objects are an extremely fun canvas to paint on. I enjoy studying the original shapes and seeing how I can camouflage certain areas of the object and sometimes enhance and highlight other areas. In my career I have painted on a variety of different objects and the bomb was a great challenge. It is almost like creating a massive back piece or a huge sleeve. Usually I embrace the object that I am painting, however in this case it was almost having have to do the opposite.


What is your motivation?

I am against war and that this bomb had no functional use other than a reminder of what it was once used for. Similar bombs like this one, 20,000 of them were dropped on Iraq in One night! Imagine the death count. We wanted to take a symbol of hate and turn into love. We wanted to give her a new life! As an artist I feel like I had the opportunity to resurrect it and turn in to something completely unique. I know that it is an inanimate object, but being a spiritual person I feel like it now has a life and a soul.

What do you hope people will take from this project?

Never stop creating!

What happens now? Is it for sale?

Yes, we’ve had high offers, but we would like it to go to the right buyer and home. Whether it is a single collector or a company, it will be awesome if the Love Bomb’s new placement allows it to be viewed and enjoyed by many others. So we think it will be amazing and look beautiful in an epic foyer of a hotel or office reception.

Will there be future collaborations? 

Maybe “Wendy Meakin and Daisuke THE 27 LIFE Sakaguchi present Love Guns”, or “Love TANK”


It is my hope that one will stop and think about bombs, there indiscriminate power and what an efficient killing device humans’ have created, we are in this together. Love and peace require patience, empathy, and the ability to sit and talk with those who have  diametrically opposed ideologies.

Wendy Meakin

Photography by William Nelson  

Female Nudes as they really are

Artist Victoria Selbach paints female nudes as they really are – as their bodies truly are in domestic, everyday settings. The women are just that – women, cast free of social projections and celebrity airbrushing.

The human presence stripped bare of pretense and accouterments is simply alive, revealing a deeply personal identity, present in the light of one unique moment.

Victoria Selbach

Quoted from her artistic statement

Images from Huffington Post

The World on my Shoulders Tattoo

Bill Passman quit his job as a lawyer, sold all his possessions and got his first passport all at the age of 51. Having travelled to over 70 countries and all 7 continents he decided to document his journey with a tattoo.

I realized that if I was going to do that it would have to be a tattoo of the entire World including the specific countries. I also knew that I would like to color in each of the countries that I had travelled to.

Bill Passman


Read about his continuing adventures on his blog

Little Swastika

Tattoo artist Little Swastika who tattoos from a private studio in Germany (you can only contact him via email), created the word ‘Love’ over four people’s backs.

He painted the design by hand onto the four backs before beginning the long process of tattooing. Little Swastika frequently tattoos large back pieces, with designs flowing down both arms and legs, to him the whole body is a canvas.



Somewhere in middle of Italy in a private living room. 4 people and a total of around 32 hours of tattooing over 4 days on two working spaces. This was in a way killing me, but in another way showing me what is possible. When I started a few years ago with my first double piece I was just dreaming of making a tattoo in a size like this. Without many compromises at all.  Many thanks to all you 4 and to all other pieces who made me walk, more than once, over the borders of dreams and reality…..

Little Swastika

He has created tattoos over two people before but the love project is his biggest piece to date.

 Creating art is my key to escape from our life in our reality. Tattooing for me is a piece of freedom.

Little Swastika


Images and quotes from Little Swastika’s Facebook

Skullduggery Tatu

Skullduggery Tatu is a custom tattoo studio based in Belfast. Both artists take inspiration from American Traditional tattoos, folk art and illustration. The results are powerful bold lines with a beautifully balanced colour palette; really strong and traditional.


After extensive travel, Helen McDonnell opened the studio in 2000, with tattoo artist Jenna McAleese joining her in 2011. The shop not only houses two female artists but also lends itself to travelling guest artists. You can also get tattooed by Helen and Jenna at various tattoo conventions.

To see all their recent work follow the artists  and shop on Instagram

@skullduggery_tatu    @helenskullduggery and  @jennamcaleese

The shop acts as a gallery space showcasing the work of not only local artists but international ones too. Previous exhibitions have displayed beautiful embroidery pieces and large-scale wall paintings. Also live performances take place within the intimate tattoo space.