The Blackwork King

We are in awe of the dedication and time spent to create this piece. This blackwork project on tattoo artist Punctum Kay, Austria was created by Gerhard Wiesbeck.

Tattoo artist Punctum Kay designed all of the main black work himself.  Gerhard Wiesbeck tattooed the whole body, but he only designed the psychedelic dot work chest portion of the suit.

What do you think of black work? Incredibly powerful or wasting valuable tattoo space?

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Great pair of tattooed tits

For Catherine Hadden breast reconstruction surgery after winning her fight with breast cancer was not an option she would consider, instead she chose to have a tongue in cheek tattoo of two Great Tits right where her own breasts used to be.

For me it was something beautiful coming from something so ugly

Rather than being reminded of her cancer and of feeling horribly ill Catherine chose to see something positive and decided to celebrate her cancer free body.  She made the decision to have a double mastectomy in order to save her life. At first she wanted a very small bird tattooed onto her body, but when her tattooist presented her with the idea of having two Great Tits on a branch she changed her mind.

When I get out of the shower each morning and go to the bathroom mirror I think, ‘What a pair of great tits’.

Her daughter posted Catherine’s photo on Facebook and from then on there was no hiding Catherine’s new tits, so to speak. Even though Catherine describes herself as a bashful person she had no qualms showing her new tattoo to people and in turn raising awareness of breast cancer.


Image and quotes from

Woman transforms her facial scars with tattoo ink

Basma Sameed was accidentally burnt as a toddler with scolding hot oil and left severely scared.

After countless operations and cosmetic surgery, at the age of 16 her doctors told her there was nothing more they could do.

So she taught herself to tattoo and by matching the colour pigments of her face she has been able to transform her appearance.

Basma has now opened a clinic which offers other burn victims permanent make up. She pioneered the use of permanent cosmetics by practising on herself.


Images from and

New studio in North London, Underground Ink

A New Kind Of Tattitude!

Underground Ink is a new studio based in North London and it boasts a unique and highly stylised aesthetic inside its doors. Vintage Chesterfield sofas sit in front of walls that artistically interpret a London Underground tube station. Launched by former Ibiza-club manager and entreprenuer Andy Murphy, Underground Ink is born from his passion for tattoo design and his ambition to transform the traditional visual identity of tattoo parlours. 

Unlike its location in High Barnet, it’s most definitely not the end of the line for Underground Ink, it’s just the beginning!

We caught up with Underground Ink’s two resident tattoo artists to find out a bit more about them…

Mihai Lancu

Mihai tattooHow did you get into tattooing? My story began 11 years ago when I learnt how to make my own rudimentary tattoo machine. It was very expensive at that time to own a professional one and I was really into drawing and graffiti and it was just a passion for some time. Then I met a great artist from my country (Ali Bajko) who taught me how things run in a busy tattoo shop and how to do what I do. So much has changed since I began – there are so many new developments in the tattoo market!

How would you describe your style? When I am doing a tattoo I try to make the design as realistic as possible. I like portraits, particularly of women and I think I am strongest at black and grey designs. I like to capture different facial expressions in my work and translate them into my own style.  

How long have you been tattooing for? I was 16 when I first inked someone’s skin – now I am 27, it’s been a long journey but rewarding and fulfilling every step of the way.  

Where do you get your inspiration from? My inspiration comes from life around me every day as it happens. Feelings, emotions, interacting with people, everyone unique in their own way – I like to engage with expressions that can tell you something about that person and their story, their life.

If you weren’t a tattoo artist, what would you be? I have the best job in the world, I’m doing what I’ve always wanted to do and I am happy. Every day is different and every day is rewarding to the soul.

Davide Famiglietti

How did you get into tattooing? My first experience with tattooing dates back to when I was 22 years old. After art school I decided to try and enter into the mysterious world of tattooing! Initially my parents didn’t agree but my Mother has always been a creative person and she knew and saw that I’ve always loved drawing and painting since I was a child. I’ve always drawn portraits on paper in colour and it was this that gave me my attraction to the art world.

How would you describe your style? I don’t really have a defined style, I like to do a little bit of everything, I want to learn and evolve as an artist and tattooist. I am always looking to test myself – I want to continue to improve so that my next design is better than the previous one, taking the time to devote to details and the proper mixing of colours to get the best results.

How long have you been tattooing for? Three years.

Where do you get your inspiration from? In every artist there is a need to be inspired in a different way, so I learn from every experience. In particular I love Jeff Gogue’s work, I would love to be as good as him!

If you weren’t a tattoo artist, what would you be? I have a lot of passions I would like to explore, but I think in this life, I only want to be an artist!


Underground Ink currently have a Spring bonus running – all bookings for body piercings are just £15 pounds! Check out their website,, for more information.