Identity – Portraits | Modification | Adornment. An exhibition

Artwork by Susanna Widmann


We are very pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition ‘Identity – Portraits | Modification | Adornment’ at Into You, London, in May 2014.

Launch party: Thursday 22 May from 7pm
Location: Into You, 144 St John St, London EC1V 4UA
Join the Facebook event, here.


Glimpse of a piece by Matt (Oddboy) Barratt-Jones 


The exhibition coincides with the launch of The Identity Issue – issue 7 of Things & Ink magazine and celebrates the work of tattooists, photographers and artists. Each piece is the artist’s interpretation of the theme – no restrictions or limitations. This collection, curated by the team at Things&Ink, is varied, exciting and thought-provoking.

Identity means something different to us all, and this collection of original artwork and photography – and The Identity Issue of Things&Ink magazine  – explores the way our identities can be informed by the world around us and what we choose to do with our bodies.

There will be work from:
Alex Binnie 
Araceli 4ever
Andrea Furci 
Axa Shireen
Aimee Cornwell 
Antony Flemming
Clare Goldilox
Delphine Noiztoy
Duncan X 
Joao Bosco 
Matt (Oddboy) Barratt-Jones 
Susanna Widmann
Wendy Pham
Ramon Maiden
Luke Garwood
Heather Shuker
And a selection of artists from Into You Brighton and London. 

The Chin Women of Myanmar, by photographer Luke Garwood
Ma Apoi aged 66


Come and join us to celebrate the launch and view the entire exhibition on Thursday 22 May from 7pm, Into You, 144 St John St, London EC1V 4UA. The exhibition will run for three months from that date.

The exhibition has been curated by the team at Things&Ink magazine

Tattooed Seniors Rock

“But what’s it gonna look like when you get old?”

Does the fear of saggy skin ever put you off getting tattooed?

We definitely have no fear…

Photos from, view by clicking the link.

The Mechanical Circus, London, Easter Bank Holiday Weekend

We know what we’re doing this Easter weekend…

Our friends Electric Empire have joined forces with Carousel to bring you an epic party this Easter bank holiday – The Mechanical Circus at Electric Brixton, London. The event combines spectacular circus acts, burlesque and creative performance with outstanding music and production. 

The Mechanical Circus

Step into a steampunk world, dance the night away, be astounded by feats of human physicality and wowed by wonderful magicians – it will be a night like no other… and the perfect Easter weekend hangout.

Musical lineup:

✲ SAVANT (UK Debut)
And the host for the night is BASS6

Visual delights:


This magical event takes place on Saturday 19 April at Electric Brixton, London. Get the date in your diaries now and purchase tickers from, wegottickets. Join the party on Facebook too. See you there? The Things&Ink team will definitely be there too…

Here’s some photos form pervious Electric Empire parties:

Photographer: Maximillian Webster 
Performance: Chivaree Circus 

Do you want a Tattoo with your fries?

You thought he wouldn’t do it again, you were wrong!

Stian Ytterdahl, 18, from Norway, who got his McDonald’s receipt tattooed on his arm has outdone himself!

A week later he has had the receipt for the McDonald’s tattoo inked onto his other forearm! He’s gone supersize with this one!

He posted his new tattoo on his Facebook with the caption #yolo

Ytterdah told Norway’s Romerikes Blad newspaper that the first tattoo was just a joke between friends.
“Now I’m a living billboard, but I think it’s all just fun,” he said. “Maybe it won’t be as fun when I’m 50 or 60 years old, but that’s my choice.”

Think what he’d have to buy to have a receipt as a back piece?!



Street Spotting in London

While interning at Things&Ink I spied some cool tattoos and stopped the owners for a brief chat.With everyone rushing to wherever they were going, it was difficult to ask everyone lots of questions about their tattoos!

Things&Ink reader  Mia MaCauley, 20, art student in London on a college trip.
She often gets tattooed at conventions, her chest piece is by Billie at Afflecks  in Manchester.


Her favourite tattoo is this little creep by Jemma Jones at Raincity, Manchester


Louise Fury, 36, body piercer at Original Skin, London. Originally from America but she lives in London.

She had just had a six hour sitting on her back tattoo and I didn’t want to bother her too much, we all know how tiring getting tattooed can be!


Daniel Herridge, 34, Birmingham. In London with his girlfriend.

Jen, 30 and Bruno 35 Owners of Gypsy Stables Tattoo Emporium, London.


Have you spotted anyone out and about with tattoos?