Kelli’s e.e. cummings tattoo.


Name: Kelli. Age: 23.
Location: Essex. Occupation: writer.

Kelli!What got you into tattoos? I’ve always been really fascinated by them, as I grew up all my friends were older than me, and I remember them all rushing out to get them. Mostly regretting them after. But since I was about 16, there’s been a folder of tattoo inspiration and a growing list of artists  I love on my computer. Now it’s Pinterest! I guess I really enjoy how permanent they are. I don’t believe they have to be something that means the world to you – they usually just remind me of a good time.

Where did your inspiration come from for this tattoo? I always say that this tattoo is a way of saying “haters to the left”, without actually saying it. E.E. Cummings is a beautiful poet, and I am all about words. It just seemed like he said what I needed him to, but more eloquently. I am very much in love with this tattoo – the font blows my mind and it came out better than I’d ever have expected.

EE Cummings tattoo

Who did it and where? It was done by Victor at Self Sacrifice, London. Sadly, the shop closed down mysteriously last year. It really is a shame, they were really chilled and I felt totally comfortable with them.

Poetry tattooHow would you describe your style? I definitely like a bit of everything. I don’t think I’d want words on me again – I think there’s such a thing as too much font. A picture says a thousand words, you know. I do aim towards the more traditional style, but recently I am finding myself reaching for the more fluid styles of artists like Amanda Wachob.

Are you planning more? Definitely. Aren’t we always? I’m aiming to start my inner bicep soon I think, but I realise this’ll probably spread to cover the top of my arm. I’m okay with that, although my parents will probably have something to say.

Is there any artists you would like to get tattooed by? I’d love one of Annie Frenzel’s women one day – it would mean a trip to Berlin, too, which would be lovely. I just find her style beautiful. I also love Rachel Jamie Baldwin’s work and Guen Douglas – another nice little European trip to Amsterdam there, too (Guen is moving from Brighton to Amsterdam in September). As always, Valerie Vargas is on the list as well as the aforementioned Amanda Wachob. I guess I really like female artists.

Literary thigh tattoo

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
e.e. cummings

Birthday girl – Dutch friends, faraway sisters and domestic bliss.

Sealed with a loving kiss xxxx

So yesterday was my birthday. I celebrated with some old and very good friends in Holland (I blogged about them and their forget me not tattoos around a year ago). There was one special person missing and that was my sister, Olivia, who is currently in Australia. But today I received a lovely package through the post…

Birthday post from the gypsy xx

The hand-drawn card is beautiful and it has the little envelope design from our matching tattoos! I think she also kinda has my fringe.

Sister tattoos - rose and envelope
Matching sister tattoos – rose and envelope

I also got some lovely earrings from my sister’s Gypsy East jewellery range that she runs with her friends Emily (I think Emily is the very talented artist who drew the card, she also has ace pink hair) and Sylvie. They make pretty jewels with the treasures they find on their travels…here is picture of all the gypsy girls together…

Oh and here’s a picture of me in my new Dutch birthday apron from my Dutch friends. I like to call myself a tattooed domestic goddess, although I am somewhat lacking the domestic bit.

Tattooed (domestic) goddess
Tattooed (domestic) goddess


Thanks to all my friends and family for the birthday love, I am a very lucky girl (and don’t ask me how old I am…)


Friday 13th tattoos – did you get yours?

Are you superstitious?

So tattoo shops have a tradition of celebrating Friday 13th by offering lucky (or maybe unlucky) tattoos from a sheet of flash for £13 – you can also give an optional £7 tip if you like. (I think some shops might charge £30 now – times are tough!)

Unfortunately, I am on holiday with some family friends, so didn’t manage to get myself a Friday 13th tattoo, but here is a selection of yours…

Friday 13th tattoo candle

Friday 13th tattoo dagger

My Twitter friend, Daniel Vane aka Grandmaster Tash, was a little greedy and got himself the dagger (by Julia) and the candle (by Naresh) from Flamin’ Eight, in Kentish Town, London.

Friday 13th tattoo Bethany

I love this little dagger – it’s on Bethany, who runs one of my favourite blogs ever, Arched Eyebrow. She got it done at The Circle, London. And picked from the sheet of flash below by El Bernardes…

Friday 13th flash

Friday 13 tattoo rabbit foot

Lucky rabbit foot, by William Corvidae Sparling, who works at Exile Tattoo, Benfleet.

Friday 13 cattoo
Friday 13 cattoo

This little cat is on Lou LaLa, she got it done at This Old Skin, Wymondham, Norfolk.

Friday 13 noose tattoo

Noose by Scott Move, Haunted Tattoo, London.

Friday 13 cherries

These cherries are on the lovely ReeRee Rockette, who runs Rockalily Cuts. Tattoo by Stewart O’Callaghan, tattoo apprentice at Prick Tattoo, London.

Love at first sight – Cris Cleen

I fell in love with Cris Cleen’s work the moment I first saw it.

Cris Cleen
Cris Cleen – artist and tattooer


His work encompasses everything I love in art and tattoos, he has a very traditional and antique style that also has a softness and femininity about it. He has created a world of ladies, flowers and butterflies that instantly drew me in when I saw his documentary short on Vimeo last year.

In this documentary, Cleen talks about the history of tattooing and how the old guys impact the way he looks and what he surrounds himself with. For Cleen, tattooing is about the whole experience, the way you look and act make a big difference and he is dedicated to giving people unique tattoos. His work and his style are almost of another era, but at the same time they are timeless and romantic, even erotic.

I have recently emailed Cris Cleen about booking an appointment with him when I go to New York next year. And luckily for me, he said he would happily tattoo me. Now all I have to do is save my pennies… (luckily I have this – New York ink fund). 


Cris Cleen lady with a lamp

Cris Cleen butterfly lady

Cris Cleen lady smoking money

Cris Cleen lady and cat

Cris Cleen works at Saved Tattoo in Brooklyn.

Photos:  and Saved Tattoo