Behind the Needle 3 – part 4 of the London Tattoo Convention series with Papercut Pictures and Zeitgeist

This is part of the exclusive Tattoo film series I filmed with Papercut Pictures for Zeitgeist magazine

“Tattooing has become a victim of its own popularity” Zele

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Behind the Needle 3  features three more notable tattoo artists. Ninoslav Zelenovic aka Zele from Zagreb Tattoo, Jason Donahue from Idle Hand and Alex Binnie from IntoYou London/Brighton talk about the past, present and future of the tattoo world. Has it really become a victim of its own popularity in this Facebook-obsessed world?


Zele used to be a military man, and this is reflected in his love of historical, ethnic and traditional styles of tattooing. His tattoos reflect his value system and past. In this film he also talks about the negative impact of the growing popularity of tattoos and how this affects those who have been in the business for a long time.

Jason Donahue
Jason Donahue


Jason Donahue has always been into art, and as soon as he got his first tattoo he realised he’d found something he really wanted to do. His influences come from the past, his strongest being American traditional and Japanese. He also talks about the explosive nature of the tattoo industry now and the fact the he is his own biggest critic, constantly seeking tattoo perfection.


Alex Binnie
Alex Binnie

Tattooing was a very ‘closed’ world when Alex Binnie started out, and not at all fashionable. He tells us about his varied style and how the industry has changed since he has been a part of it. He talks about tattooing as a beautiful contract between the tattooer and the person being tattooed that avoids the constraints of the gallery system.

Watch the other films in the series: the London Tattoo Convention 2011, Behind the Needle and Behind the Needle 2.

Word by Alice Th’ink as featured on Zeitgeist
Behind the Needle 3 from Papercut Pictures on Vimeo.

Get your tat out – Brighton Tattoo Convention 2012 special

Get your tat out

Convention Special – I spotted these beautiful tattoos yesterday at the Brighton Tattoo Convention.

This lovely lady was at the Forever True Tattoo stand.

Peacock lady tattoo
Peacock lady
Forever true tattoo lady
Forever true - tattood lady
Lady with beautiful eyes
Lady with beautiful eyes
Sewing tattoo
Because she used to be a dressmaker

I saw this girl and her intricate and delicate tattoo a couple of times in the crowds at the convention. I finally tracked her down at the Tattoo Workshop stand and managed to get this gorgeous picture. The tattoo is by Saira Hunjan.

Saira Hunjan chest piece
Delicate and beautiful - just the outline now, but some colour will be added in the next sitting.

Photos: Papercut Pictures

Getting excited about the Brighton Tattoo Convention


I attended the Brighton Tattoo Convention in 2010 and I absolutely loved it – I was supposed to attend last year too, but due to unforeseen circumstances I was unable to (see the day of the phantom tweet).

The 2010 Brighton Convention was my first ever tattoo convention – I was a little younger and a little less tattooed, so I attended with apprehension. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you’re covered head to toe in ink or never intend to get tattooed, the Brighton Tattoo Convention welcomes all who are there to appreciate the art form. Although, this year I can’t wait to show off the ink I have collected throughout 2011…

See the beautiful photos from the 2010 Convention. This year I will be attending the convention with a little more experience and the help of Papercut Pictures, so I will be able to show you lots more photos and maybe a little film, too…

Maybe see some of you there?

Alice Th’ink


New York Ink Fund.

New York Ink Fund
Tattoo saving

This Terramundi money pot is one of my favourite presents this Christmas – my family know me so well. I am hoping to go to New York in 2013 to celebrate a year of special birthdays with my mama (I won’t tell you how old we both are) and the rest of my family. This money pot is going to help me save up to get tattooed while I am there. My mum managed to save £745 in 18 months using a Terramundi, so the saving starts now.

And, hopefully I will get tattooed by Cris Cleen and also the boys at Smith Street. I am hoping my mum will also be persuaded to get a little birthday tattoo with me…