Interview with tattoo artist Hussein Mistrah

Tattoo artist Hussein Mistrah (@hussein.mistrah.tattoos) works in Detroit, Michigan after emigrating from Lebanon earlier this year. Having made a name for himself in a short space of time, we caught up with him to chat about his journey into the tattoo world and his goals for the future…

What made you want to become a tattoo artist?

As early as second or third grade it became clear to my teachers and fellow students that I was destined to excel in art. I can recall when I was about 8 years old my district had a contest that required the children to draw inside of a Picon Cheese container (similar to Laughing Cow here in the United States) and I won.

I later found tattooing and went on to attend university in Lebanon and obtained a Fine Arts Degree. I enjoyed sculpting the most but became proficient in many other mediums as well. The transition to tattooing full time came easily as I was able to make a career of creating and sharing my art with others.

What’s your earliest memory of tattoos? Did you want them as a child?

Tattoos were not common in Lebanon when I was young. I can remember drawing on my friends with a pen when I was about 13 years old. Shortly after entering university I found myself in a tattoo shop by chance and immediately became determined to pursue the craft. I have always been more interested in tattooing others than having them myself.

How long have you been tattooing for? How did you train to become a tattoo artist?

I have been tattooing for 12 years and I’m primarily self taught. My college education set a solid foundation for my work and I was able to apply that knowledge to ink on skin. There weren’t many tattoo-specific resources available to me in Lebanon, but today I enjoy learning from other talented industry professionals when I attend conventions.

How would you describe your style of tattooing?

I specialise in black and grey realism and aim to achieve a specific balance of light and dark in all of my work. My preference in terms of subject matter include figures of Greek mythology, historical sculpture and portraits. When tattooing portraits I prefer to incorporate female subjects. I feel the eye is consistently drawn to the beauty of a female face which adds spirit and soul to my artwork.

Do you prefer to work on flash or custom tattoos? How do you work with your clients on designs and ideas?

My work is exclusively custom and I spend the majority of my time on larger scale pieces. When a client approaches me I begin with the primary subject matter of their preference and expand upon it to create a cohesive and proprietary composition.

The day preceding an appointment I spend time organising my ideas and setting the groundwork which allows me to spend more time with my young daughter. I always give my clients freedom regarding placement and size, however I find it necessary to organise the major components of the canvas to best fit my style and technique for the most dramatic result.

How can clients book in with you? Do you have a waitlist?

In order to best accommodate myself and clients I have found that booking in short segments is most effective and flexible. I open my books every three months and use Instagram exclusively for scheduling. I don’t maintain a waitlist but interested clients can reapply in the next three month cycle.

Can you tell us about your seminars, what do these involve?

I’ve had the privilege to present five seminars in Lebanon and two in the United States to date. I will be hosting my third US seminar in November 2023. Teaching other industry professionals presents a unique opportunity to focus on my personal techniques in a way that gives black and grey tattooers a new perspective. I place emphasis on balance, contrast and saturation with smooth transition and shading.

Do you have a favourite convention or place you’ve tattooed in?

My favorite convention is Tattoo Planetarium in Paris, France which I have attended twice in 2019 and 2022 respectively. This convention gave me the opportunity to meet several of my idols face to face and the calibre of work is extraordinary.

Can you tell us about some of the awards you’ve won? Do you have a moment you’re most proud of?

When I emigrated to the United States I attempted to enter the Motor City Tattoo convention only three weeks after my arrival. They initially couldn’t accommodate me on such short notice but I was ultimately given a small booth and was awarded Best of Show for Black and Grey work on the final day. It was not only validating for me but my first step towards achieving the American Dream.

How does the tattoo scene differ in Lebanon and Michigan?

Tattooing in Lebanon is not prominent however it has grown as an industry since I began in 2011. Previously it was considered taboo but in recent years it has become more mainstream.

In the United States tattooing is obviously well established. I have found potential clients are willing to wait for appointments when they understand the quality of work they will receive.

What do you think about the tattoo world itself?

Looking back on the experiences and opportunities the tattoo world has given me I have to
admit that if I was given the opportunity to start over I would choose this career again and again.

Tattooing has given me the means to support myself and my family but is more than just a job and I truly enjoy being able to make a living through my hobby.

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

I aspire to be recognised as an elite artist and become an esteemed member of the professional community. I have been lucky enough to meet some incredibly talented artists and hope to be among them someday.

Make sure you follow Hussein Mistrah (@hussein.mistrah.tattoos) for more incredible tattoos.

We’re always talking to amazing tattoo artists, check out our latest interviews.

“It’s awesome to think that people can have my art on their skin for the rest of their lives”, interview with tattoo artist Tati Ferrigno

Tati Ferrigno knew she would follow the path of becoming a tattoo artist as soon as she started learning. Working out of her private studio in São Paulo, Brazil, we chatted to the artist to find out more about her art…

How long have you been tattooing and how did you get into it?

I have been tattooing for three years but before that I used to work as an illustrator and graphic designer for about 15 years. I created a famous line of children’s characters for stationery products called “Jolie” in Brazil during this period.

I had a successful career as designer, however, I still had the dream of becoming a tattoo artist. The pandemic was the best opportunity to make this dream come true because I had time to study it and once I started, I knew I would follow this path.

What inspired you to become a tattooer?

I’ve always felt an attraction for the rebellious visuals of tattoos and the empowerment it brings to women.

I felt amazed by the idea of bringing my art to this world and doing exclusive illustrations for clients.

It’s awesome to think that people can have my art on their skin for the rest of their lives.

Do you have a first memory of tattoos?

Yes, I do! My very first memory of tattoos was when I saw a woman with a blue butterfly on her thigh. I believe I was six at the time. It caught so much of my attention because I already loved to draw and I realised we could have drawings on our skin, I was amazed by that!

How would you describe your style? Do you prefer colour or black and grey?

My style is fine line and whipshading. I love to work with thin needles because I can explore more details in the art. Black and grey has my heart but I also like to apply soft colours on some tattoos.

We love your pet portraits. Do you have one that stands out in your mind?

For sure, I do! There’s one pet portrait with a white cat and a Shitzu dog. I love the composition, the little bell flowers and the depth of the cat’s eyes. It’s certainly my favourite one.

What do you like to tattoo and draw? What inspires you?

My preferred themes are feminine figures, botanicals and animals. I love to draw goddesses and empowered, feminine women. Since I was a kid I have had this bond with feminine heroines. I used to draw the female cartoon characters I saw on TV – I definitely love it.

What’s your favourite, making or getting a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo is exciting but I feel awesome tattooing my art on people’s skin, so I prefer to make tattoos for sure.

What are your hopes for the future?

I have so many goals I want to achieve! Some of them are to have my work known internationally and participate in international tattoo conventions.

What’s been your proudest moment so far?

Tattooing abroad as a guest artist in my second year as a professional tattooer was certainly something very exciting for me. It also brought my work more recognition.

Make sure you follow Tati (@tati_ferrigno) for more incredible tattoos.

We’re always talking to amazing tattoo artists, check out our latest interviews.

“Tattoos are an amazing way to express our individuality,” tattoo artist, Ehyang

Tattoo artist Ehyang adores putting her art on people’s bodies. “I think it’s a proud and rewarding thing that someone likes my paintings and keeps them on their body for the rest of their lives,” she enthuses. “There‘s nothing more glorious as an artist than that.” We caught up with her to find out more…

What’s your earliest memory of tattoos? Did you always want to get tattooed?
“When I was young, I just liked getting tattoos because they looked cool… then I started to just fall in love more and more, so I thought what could be better than to make them my job?”

How long have you been tattooing for? How did you train to become a tattoo artist?
“This year marks my third year. For my sanitation education, I took theoretical classes on machines and needles After that, I practiced with a rubber board.”

How would you describe your style of tattooing?
“My style is fine line ornamental. To differentiate myself from other tattooists, I draw animals with an ornamental twist. That’s the characteristic of my tattoos. I love fine lines and decorative tattoos.”

Do you tattoo lots of tourists who’ve travelled for your work?
“Half of my guests are foreigners and some of them visit Korea just to get a tattoo from me.”

How long is your wait list? How do customers book in?
“I’m taking reservations by e-mail, I used a Korean chat app, but I think e-mail is easier. I usually tattoo one person a day.”

What are the rules for tattooing in South Korea? Is tattooing more underground or becoming more mainstream nowadays?
“I think Korea is still a little conservative about tattoos. Most young people get tattoos, and they like to get small tattoos. But I think there are more people getting tattoos than before.”

“I love that a client’s idea can take me somewhere I never thought I would go. “

What’s the best way for customers to come up with an idea for you? Do you offer flash or prefer custom work?
“Customised work is more fun. I love that a client’s idea can take me somewhere I never thought I would go. The design that I and the customer made is new and interesting…”

What is the address of your studio?
“It’s 61-1, Donggyo-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul. It’s my private studio.”

Any interesting hotels / shops / cafes nearby?
“There are many cute and pretty cafes near Mangwon-dong, Korea. There is a famous street called Mangridan-gil, and there are many cute shops there. Mangwon Market is also famous. It’s hard to walk around on weekends because there are so many people.”

Do you ever do guest spots? If so, when / where?
“I did in Singapore, Australia, Canada, and the U.S.”

What are your hopes and plans for the future?
“Now I want to settle down somewhere. I’d love that to be in America because I think I can do something fun and big with more diverse materials than in Korea. I’d love to create a unique style tattoo that only I can do…”

What do you love most about tattoos?
“Tattoos are attractive, there are so many styles and it’s fun to be able to express our individuality. And as an artist, I’m proud to be able to create my own creation with tattoos, and I don’t think there’s anything more interesting and attractive than that.”

Give Ehyang a follow on Instagram

“Tattooing is more than a job, it’s a way to express and communicate a person’s life,” interview with tattoo artist, Inno

Tattooist Inno, who’s based in Seoul in Korea, realised that tattoos can be art when he saw a tattoo of a small, beautiful flower. That tattoo set him on a journey to becoming an artist himself. Here we catch up with him to find out more about tattooing in Korea, guest spots and what motivates and inspires him…

How long have you been tattooing for? How did you train to become a tattoo artist?

“I started learning how to tattoo in 2019. I took classes at STUDIO BY SOL, one of the most famous tattoo academies in Korea at the time. In Korea, tattoos were illegal, so there were few places that taught hygiene education and technology properly, but I chose this place because it was the best place to train.”

How would you describe your style of tattooing?

“I live near the beach, so whenever I was frustrated or couldn’t think of an idea, I used to look out at the sea – it cleared my mind, it gave me room to think. It’s what made me realise I wanted to draw pictures of the waves and the sea. And turn other objects into waves too. Water is flexible and permeates almost anything. I guess that’s how it works with my clients too, their bodies become covered in my wave style.”

Do you tattoo lots of tourists who’ve travelled for your work?

“Most of the guests who visit me in Korea are foreign tourists. They come to visit me during their trip. Customers usually contact me through email before their holiday.”

What are the rules for tattooing in South Korea? Is tattooing more underground or becoming more mainstream nowadays?

“Tattoos are illegal in Korea, you need a special medical license to practice. However, in recent years, many celebrities are getting tattoos, and they are becoming more and more popular. I think Korean tattoos will become more and more famous around the world.”

How should customers contact you? If someone is travelling over from the UK, how much notice would you need?

“Customers come from various countries, as well as England. It is enough if you tell me the picture, location, and size of the tattoo you want. Please contact us via email at, with dates that you will be in Seoul.”

What’s the best way for customers to come up with an idea for you? Do you offer flash or prefer custom work?

“I don’t like doing Flash because the number of copycats has been increasing recently. I don’t like my paintings to be done by anyone other than myself. Now I prefer custom work because I want to draw a special picture for only one person.”

What is the address of your studio?

“It is located in Seoul, Korea. Please contact us via email for detailed addresses.”

Any interesting hotels / shops / cafes nearby?

“The place where my studio is located is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Korea. Therefore, there are so many foreigners and it is a place where anyone can enjoy. Perhaps that’s why I think the tattoo scene has developed a lot here.”

Do you ever do guest spots? If so, when / where?

“I have been to Australia, Canada, and the United States – so far. My drawing style is unique and rare all over the world, so I want to visit lots of different countries.”

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“I believe my paintings will develop further. I haven’t done a lot of large-scale work yet, but I want to draw bigger pieces.”

“When asked if a tattooist is an artist or a job, I would say artist.”


What do you think about the tattoo world itself?

“Tattoos are one of the most basic acts of expressing oneself. Also, I think it is very noble work that expresses and communicates each person’s life. Therefore, I hope that all artists will be more careful and work passionately in their work. This is because many people now think of it as just a job to make money. When asked if a tattooist is an artist or a job, I would say artist.”

Follow Inno on Instagram @tattooist.inno

Three Kings Tattoo London anniversary flash day

3 year tattoo flash day

We absolutely love a tattoo flash day. It’s so exciting being part of a tattoo party, making friends in the queue and choosing a flash design to have tattooed on you forever. On Saturday July 15th, Three Kings London (@threekingslondon) in Deptford are celebrating their third birthday with a flash day and evening of entertainment.

All flash designs will be at a set rate of £60 from one of their expert tattooers, so check out the full blackwork flash sheets on offer here. If you’re one of the first 50 customers on Saturday July 15th you’ll receive a goody bag filled with:

  • Discount vouchers from Three Kings
  • Goodies from local independent neighbours
  • VIP entry for you and your pals to celebrate with the Three Kings crew to the sounds of Rinse FM loved DJ Joe Milli at Little Nan’s

So make sure you get down early!

The tattoo artists at Three Kings London
The Three Kings Tattoo London crew

We first spoke to Amanda Rodriguez in 2019 (read her interview here). With it being three years in July since Three Kings Tattoo out of NYC and Brooklyn launched a studio in Deptford, South East London under the leadership of New York artist Amanda Rodriguez, we wanted to catch up with the tattoo artist.

How have you been since we last spoke in 2019?

I’ve been really good. It’s been really up and down work wise since COVID but now it’s starting to pick up again. We’ve got an amazing crew at the shop now with five full time artists other than myself. My clientele is building slowly but surely and I’ve been able to work on some really amazing pieces in the last few years.

You’re now owner of Three Kings Tattoo, can you tell us how you got to where you are?

Just a lot of hard work and determination to be honest. My business partners from America were super helpful in getting me here to the UK also.

What’s owning a studio like – the highs and lows?

Owning a studio is different than I thought. I love the space I have curated and the artists I have chosen to work with and our employees. However, as a business owner you always have work to do and you are responsible for others’ income which is a lot of pressure. I’ve found juggling the business stuff and my own tattooing career really difficult at times as I have less time to draw and post online.

Amanda's flash tattoos
Amanda’s flash sheet

We think a flash day is the perfect way to celebrate three years, what can people expect on the day?

The flash day is so much fun! We usually have people waiting to get in at 11am and tattoo straight through to 7pm with a little lunch break. This will be our fourth or fifth flash day so I think we’ve got a good system – we take people’s details and what tattoo they want and then let them explore Deptford until we are ready for them. Our customers will get a goody bag with some merch and vouchers for local businesses and this year we are giving them to people before they get tattooed so they can utilise some of the vouchers while they wait (if they have a wait!) This is the first time we’re doing a Saturday so we’re expecting more people. Afterwards we have a party happening at Little Nan’s with a DJ. It’s going to be good fun!

What are you most looking forward to on the flash day? 

We always meet some amazing new people on the day and I’m really looking forward to having new people come and experience the shop and the fun vibes. I’m also looking forward to people enjoying Deptford on the day while they wait. I really love the area and we tend to get a lot of people who don’t know it well so this is a great opportunity to get people here and see what Deptford is all about!

What does the future hold for Three Kings Tattoo?

Hopefully lots more guests and our artists being very busy! Brand collaborations down the line would be amazing and trying to give back to the community. 

Three Kings Studio

The flash day is open to the public from 11am to 7pm on Saturday 15th July on a ‘walk-in’ basis. The after party at Little Nan’s Grandad’s Shed in Deptford Markey Yard starts at 7pm.

Location: 182 Deptford High Street London SE8 3PR