So, at the beginning of September I am venturing into the scary world of freelance.
I am excited, scared and also a little sad about leaving my job. I have been in my current job for almost four years and I have made some amazing friends and gained a huge amount of experience. However, times must change, I am ready for a new adventure…
This is the lovely Lucie with her beautiful tattoos – spotted enjoying a drink at the bar at Hackney WickED.
Beautiful bowStop the clocks for this pocket watchBeautiful pocket watch tattooUnder padlock and keyPadlock and flowersI am very jealous of this beautiful fan tattoo. I want it.Birds and cage
From start to finish – this is the story of my beautiful new cameo tattoo.
I blogged about my inspiration a couple of months ago: Beautiful cameo tattoos. I have always found cameo and vintage jewelery extremely pretty and I used this to inspire me.
I picked Andrea Furci at The Family Business to design it for me, his art is very feminine and soft, with a traditional tattoo feel.
Here is the photo story of my cameo tattoo – from bare wrist to lovely new tattoo.
Bare wrist before the tattoo.Putting on a brave face pre-tattooThe stencilI approved the design and it got stencilled onto my wrist...
Once the tattoo is stencilled onto my wrist, I check the position in a mirror and see if I approve. I approved without hesitation, it felt right as soon as I saw it.
Now of course comes the hard bit…the pain…
The outline (it didn't hurt a bit...honest...)
How it felt
It is very difficult to describe what the tattoo process felt like, I am sure it differs from person to person…but I didn’t think my tattoo hurt – hurt is the wrong word, it just felt uncomfortable. I could feel a burning sensation on my skin, but more than that I was fascinated to see how the tattoo transformed – from stencil to outline to colour. Watching the ink go into my skin and seeing how accurately Andrea Furci could tattoo. So many intricate and delicate little details, yet never straying outside the lines. Such clean lines and vibrant colours.
During the tattoo...The tattoo with shadingno colour yet...
The grand unveiling…the beautiful tattoo with full, vibrant colour – reds, blues and warm yellows.
The final piece - my beautiful cameo tattoo by Andrea FurciPost-tattoo happinessThe tattoo is wrapped in cling film to protect it for the first night.Bandaged and ready for a beer.
Now, I would quite like Andrea to design a man in a cameo frame for my other wrist, maybe with a top hat and pipe, facing into my cameo lady.
Thanks Andrea, I can’t wait to get tattooed by you again in the future.