The Many Faces of Sarcoma – 18-24 June 2012, Sarcoma Awareness Week.

This rose tattoo belongs to James from Papercut Pictures, not only have I worked with James on the London Tattoo Convention series, but he is also my boyfriend, so this is a difficult and emotional post to write.
James’s sister Katherine died from the rare form of cancer sarcoma just over a year ago. James wanted to get a tattoo in memory of his sister and Katherine had a rose tattoo down her side. It sits on his chest so she is always close to his heart.

Tattoos can mean so many different things and capture very different emotions. Katherine got her rose tattoo before she died, so she could live life to the full and experience as many things as possible. James got his rose tattoo, so that he always carries with him a memory of his sister.
Katherine’s rose tattoo was done by Snappy Gomez at King’s Cross Tattoo Parlour.
James’s rose tattoo was done by Steve Vinall at The Family Business.
Sarcoma UK is the main charity in the UK dealing with all types of sarcoma. Sarcomas are rare cancers that develop in the supporting or connective tissues of the body such as muscle, bone, nerves, cartilage, blood vessels and fat.
Sarcoma does not discriminate – there are around 3,200 new cases each year in the UK.
You can support Sarcoma UK’s campaign by uploading your own picture to The Many Faces of Sarcoma. You can also watch Papercut Pictures’ film All in it together – living with Sarcoma, Katherine features in the film, unfortunately she died two weeks before the film was launched.
All In It Together – Living With Sarcoma from Papercut Pictures on Vimeo.