Our editor Rosalie loves food and – of course – tattoos. So what’s better than combining these two loves? It seemed a lot of you agree with her. In this blog, she shares the stories behind some of her – and your – food tattoos.
Rosalie Hurr: “This is my silly cat wearing a cake and it’s by Lucy Alice (@_cattnip). I actually won a tattoo giveaway and just thought this was a fun idea. The edamame bean was done on holiday in Newquay by Gemma (@helfire). This foodie tattoo is for one of my oldest friends, Cath. We always share edamame beans when we see each other, it’s a bit of tradition. My cute bean reminds me of all the good times and food we’ve shared together. Awwww…”

“Then, there’s my cinnamon bun by Hayley Blackwood (@hayleyblackwoodtattoo). I just reeeeeeally love a warm doughy, comforting cinnamon bun. While honeymooning in Canada, I made it my mission to seek out the best ones. The words ‘forever hungry’ honour trying to stay open and, more literally, my constantly rumbling tummy.”

“I also share tons of amazing food tattoos on @Foodie.tattoos!”
Joey, 31, living in London
“My strawberries were done by Korean tattoo artist @mym_room. Based on a song by my favourite band about strawberries – a heart is like a strawberry, it has nothing to protect it. In an emotional, rather than literal, sense…”

Amie, 32, Operations Manager for a small charity, living in Bristol
“My lil lime tattoo is for my besties! We all love a shot of tequila, obvs with a lime. So, I thought it would be nice to honour my favourite women with a bright green lime on my leg. It’s by @abiloveless. “

Rachel, 30, from Leeds
“I have a pizza slice tattoo. I also have a tomato by Fiona (@growing.basil) but I got that because my cat was called Tomato. So it’s more symbolic but it’s still food!”

Lucyna, 36, hairdresser, Nottingham
“I love PIZZA! I just like pepperoni pizza!”

Amy, 38, tattoo collector and cat mother, Manchester
“Paula Castle (@paulacastletattoos) did my food tattoos. A cup of tea solves everything. And this is my teapot with a bee as a representation of Manchester. Custard creams, malted milks, fondant fancies have always been faves of mine. My mum will always do me a brew with biscuits when I visit so it’s a bit of a homage to her.”

“Scones are also a fave (jam first always), plus it always feels special to go for afternoon tea with scones, jam and cream. Food definitely brings people together – even in the hardest times. Sometimes a brew and a biscuit is what you need to know you’re loved and cared for. One of my nieces pointed at my biscuit tattoos and said those are her fave too – that made my day!”

Nicola, 40, from Sunderland
“Alex Rowntree (@alexrowntreetattoo) did my milkshake tattoo. There’s no story to it other than I love a good narna milkshake! I wanted it for years before I actually got it.”

Vicki, 48, SEN teacher
“My banana was custom by Sarah Whitehouse (@warahshitehouse) back in 2018. I got a tattoo for my younger daughter, then I asked my eldest daughter what I should get for her. She was 14 at the time, but she said a banana! Most of my tattoos have faces so that was what I went for. I teach students with special needs and it’s the tattoo they always comment on. My nephew has loved it since he was a baby, too. A banana with a happy face seems to cheer people up.”

Bek, 30, Clinical Deputy in secure services, Birmingham
“My tattoo was done by Lucy Blue (@lucybluetattoo) when she was an apprentice about 8 years ago. It was a drawing on a print she had created with other foodie ladies and she wanted to tattoo them, so I said yes. You usually see the ladies with fruit on their head, but I liked how fun and different the junk food was.”

Have you got a foodie tattoo? Let us know in the comments and tag us on Instagram!
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