Created by best friends Becky and Steve, Elementary, are 100% natural parfums, brewed in the UK. They’re proud to be zero-waste, vegan and cruelty-free, and not afraid to be a little bit different. We caught up with Becky to hear all about her tattoo collection and the inspiration behind Elementary.

I’ve always been a massive nature nerd (and proud of it) and have been fascinated by tattoos for as long as I can remember. Being mixed raced in a predominately white school, I often struggled to accept my skin growing up, and at times felt like the odd one out.
Tattoos have become such a cathartic outlet for me and a way to embrace who I am.

That, and the freedom of nature, have had a huge impact on my life, as well as helping to shape our vision for Elementary. We launched in December last year and we’re a small, indie brand making 100% natural, unisex fragrances.
Swallow – My first tattoo. I heard Alice on the ‘Outside In’ podcast recently and she mentioned that “it’s a right of passage to have a shit first tattoo experience”. I couldn’t agree more! Done in my early twenties; I was left waiting for hours, sat sweating during the whole process and ended up with a tattoo more cutesy than Sailor Jerry, and some script that looks more like ‘familu’ than ‘family’. I don’t regret it though, and it’s paved the way for the rest of my ink.

Lotus and Hamsa – They may be teeny, but these guys mean a lot. I’m quite a spiritual person and love what they symbolise. They were done by Abi Tonge who was a tattoo apprentice at the time. She’s gone on to do some amazing things, which is just awesome. Both Steve and I are both big into mindfulness and really welcome this into our vision for Elementary. Although we create fragrances, we believe it’s so much more than just smelling great.
Nature scene – A little reminder of my love of nature and how it can make you feel. Mountains, trees and fresh air. Is there anything better? This piece reflects a huge part of our concept for Elementary; that reconnection to nature, feeling inspired and free.

Robin and envelope – This tattoo sparked my thigh collection and was brought to life by Josie Hall who’s since become a good friend and my ‘official’ tattooist. It has a strong emotional meaning, as I had it done shortly after my nan passed away in 2012. The envelope signifies a way to always keep in touch, and I think most of us remember a loved one when we see a robin, don’t we? I love this tattoo.
Crying heart – A crying heart usually symbolises heartbreak, but for me, it’s a reminder to always look after my mental health and accept that it’s ok to feel a little sad sometimes. Wellbeing is something we’re really keen to talk about – let’s be open and accepting of our feelings. Our scents have a super high concentration of essential oils, giving them aromatherapeutic qualities, which is such a great and simple way to get a little boost.

Peony and sweet peas – Both of these tattoos were done for people that I’m so grateful to have in my life. Pretty much anyone that knows me, will be aware just how much I ADORE my nan. A few years ago she gave me a cutting from her peony and it blooms every single year. I love it and I love her, so now I have a peony that lasts all year round. She’s 96 and loves this tattoo. She’s very cool.
My mum has always called me Sweetpea and grows them each year. Last year she went through a lot and it was a really scary time. I got this as a constant reminder of her strength and beauty. She’s not too keen on tattoos but was actually pretty tearful when I showed her this, which is lovely.

Bee and forget-me-nots – Not much explanation needed for this one – bees are incredible and so important to our ecosystem. Without them, we’d be pretty screwed! They’re also extremely beautiful, and the fluffy ones are just wonderful (and damn cute).

Ship in a bottle, exotic lady, ‘You’re so cool’ – I’m a firm believer that not all tattoos need to have a meaning behind them. And these three don’t. They’re some of my favourite pieces and I got them simply because I wanted them. (If you don’t get the film reference we can’t be friends).

And lastly…herb – A spontaneous little guy that I got with Steve not so long ago. We were working away and managed to find a tattoo studio that was open in the morning, on a Sunday, and did walk-ins. We both love dinosaurs (why wouldn’t you?) so I got this, he got a raptor. It’s honestly such a cool experience getting tattooed with your best mate, and it’s basically cemented our friendship forever.