Things&Ink’s favourite Instagram artists of the moment

Artists chosen by T&I editor Alice Snape, and T&I managing editor Keely Reichardt

Here at Things&Ink magazine, Instagram is a constant source of tattoo inspiration and a hub for finding new artists… we can spend forever searching for artists, and looking at their back catalogue of work. So we’ve compiled this little round-up of some of our favourite artists who are capturing our attention at the moment!  

Lauren Winzer, Sydney, Australia @laurenwinzer
“A firm Instagram favourite. And not just for her tattoos, but for her amazing style and life updates – she looks like she is always having fun. She even tattooed Miley Cyrus. We have life envy. Her tattoos are awesome too, she has a really different, interesting and cute style that just keeps on getting better.” Alice

Teide, Seven Doors Tattoo, London UK @teidetattoo

“Teide from Seven Doors in London is embracing an abstract take on traditional and almost formed a totally unique style of his own… not seen anyone else doing anything like this!” Keely


Aaron Hingston, The Grand Illusion, Melbourne Australia @aaron_hingston
“Aaron has a fairly traditional style but uses really beautiful soft pastel colours that soften the bold style.  He also creates the most beautiful lady heads all with slightly sad expressions!” Keely


Just Jen, Edinburgh Scotland @justjentattoos

“Absolutely love her style, she is someone who I have wanted to get tattooed by for ages. Bold colour palette and strong traditional style, but lots of her subject matter has a softer twist. Some of her tattoos looks miniature too, which I love.”

Raph Cemo, Kids Love Ink East, @raphcemo “I am normally drawn to colour tattoos, but the work of Raph has recently caught my eye. I particularly love this intricate chest piece, it is stunning.” Alice

Aivaras Ly @aivaras_ly  “Totally in love with the cosmic traditional style of Aivaras Ly. I would love to know how and where these incredible compositions come from!” Keely

Who are you favourite Instagram artists of the moment?

The rose of no man’s land

‘The rose of no man’s land’ was used to describe tattoo imagery of a nurse typically with a rose motif next to her. This became a popular tattoo for soldiers to get as a memory of either the nurse who saved them or for a nurse they may have been dating.  Below is our pick of the most recent nurse tattoos circulating on social media…

Andrea Giulimondi

Jean Le Roux

Lewis Parkin 




Hugh Sheldon

Jamie Greaves


Bert Krak

Marcos Attwood

Linnéa Sjöberg and her homemade tattoo project

The Swedish artist, Linnéa Sjöberg has been turning DIY tattoos into performance art after a year of travelling around Europe taking photographs of herself and her friends tattooing themselves.  The year long project has now culminated in a book called Salong Flyttkartong with the message ‘Act Before Thinking’ where she wants to cultivate irrational chaotic thinking, “that’s the energy in the project, kind of counter-productive. It’s two opposites: act before thinking but it’s going to stay with you for the rest of your life. People need to take a stand point: some people are like, “Yeah, go ahead,” and some back off and don’t want to hear about it, they are so frightened of this idea.”





A somewhat controversial subject and now what some may seem as ‘trendy’ are homemade tattoos but Linnéa delves into the psychology of tattooing yourself and why taking control of your own body is the most powerful tool we have. One of her most powerful tattoos was of the markings a plastic surgeon made on her breasts before having a boob job, “I booked a time at a plastic surgery clinic in Manhattan and asked the doctor to draw the lines that he would follow during a breast enlargement. With those lines I went home and tattooed them in front of the mirror, by myself.”


 Linnéa’s book Salong Flyttkartong can be purchased here and she is also exhibiting at the Gallery Steinsland Berliner in Stockholm. More information about her work can be found on her website 

Tattoo with a view 

We are loving the view whilst checking out these beautiful ‘scenery’ tattoos. The nautical style encompasses the view from either a boat or on shore with the landscape traditionally of the sea and sky, sometimes with a bit of a tropical feel to it. We also love the more ‘urban’ take on this with views of skyscrapers and city landscapes…

David Cote

Aaron Ashworth

Tilly Dee

Kirk Jones

Ryan Cooper Thompson

Enrico Grosso

Ashley Love


Hannah Louise Clark

Street spotting at the Tattoo Tea Party in Manchester

Style and tattoo spotting at the Tattoo Tea Party, in Manchester. By editor Alice Snape and managing editor Keely Reichardt.

Check out these photos from the Tattoo Tea Party in Manchester. We love people watching, and these gorgeous people caught our eye! Check out their tattoos below…

Our first style spot of the convention was this lovely lady!

Name: Patti Cakes
Age: 25
Job: Makeup artist
Tattoos: Perfume bottle by Dean Reilly at Hello Sailor, Blackpool, blusher brush by Rich Warburton, lipstick by Mikee Cue at Mint Gun Club

Perfume bottle by Dean Reilly at Hello Sailor


Tea party blusher tattoo
Blusher brush by Rich Warburton


Lipstick by Mikee Cue at Mint Gun Club


We noticed Salli’s awesome style while she was getting tattooed  at the booth opposite our stand by Lauren from Redwood Tattoo Studio in Manchester.

Name: Salli
Age: 23
Location: Stoke on Trent
Job: Insurance Adviser
Tattoos: Chest and arm by Matt Webb

Chest and arm by Matt Webb


Fresh tattoo on leg by Lauren at Redwood Tattoo Studio, Manchester.


We spotted Jess’s awesome upper arm tattoo by Crispy Lennox and couldn’t resist asking her what other tattoos she had hidden…

Name: Jess
Age: 23
Job: Piercer
Location: Newark, Nottingham
Tattoos: Upper arm by Crispy Lennox, forearm and neck by Tiny Miss Becca, hands by Adriaan Machete.

Arm by Crispy Lennox
Arm by Crispy Lennox


Arm by Tiny Miss Becca
Arm by Tiny Miss Becca


Hands by Adriaan Machete
Hands by Adriaan Machete


We spotted Georgia’s amazing portrait by Emma Kierzek and had to pap her…

Georgia tea party style spot

Name: Georgia
Age: 23
Location: Preston
Job: Works in Retail
Tattoos: Portrait by Emma Kierzek, Aurora Tattoo, back of legs by Valerie Vargas

Portrait by Emma Kierzek
Portrait by Emma Kierzek


Back of legs by Valerie Vargas


Which other tattoo conventions will you be attending this year? Let us know and maybe we will be there to spot your style…